Since the bounty of oil gushed from under our feet and sustenance overflowed in our hands, it brought out the worst in some people, and the fight for influence and control of sources of spending began. The struggle then evolved to become a political dispute that divided the country and attracted supporters, and in the midst of a fierce struggle, many forgot they all came out of the same womb, the womb of the homeland, and that they lived a common history and absorbed the same culture — an ignorance that has been there for long, and a struggle that produced struggles.
This dispute created supporters, mercenaries and strife seekers, to a point that the dispute became an arrow directed at the heart of Kuwait. Amidst all the struggles, Kuwait emerges as a loving mother that appeals to its children to return to the way their grandfathers used to manage any dispute with means of brotherhood, tolerance and understanding, excuse each other over differences and for the law to be their guide and wisdom their goal. To return to being close and cooperate, regardless of how far apart their views and opinions are and cooperate for the sake of Kuwait.
In order to be in touch with reality, man remains the man in every place and time, as there are some Kuwait people who were harsh on Kuwait and exchanged it, in their hearts, with money or authority. They became more harmful to Kuwait than its enemies. They will not vanish from our lives because they are part of life in every era. They will not succeed or scale new heights as long as the people are vigilant and as long as hearts remain full of love for the homeland. The homeland is not a granted paper — it is history and culture, nights and dreams.
There are those who think if they remove Kuwait from their chests and join the conspiracy to bring it down with corruption and bribes, they will be victorious in the power struggle. They do not know that the homeland is in their breaths, and when they spread corruption or encourage it, they will stop breathing and kill themselves. Kuwait is a value that will not be satisfied with the ink of this world. Kuwait today knows its children, as whoever wipes his sweat for its sake or lights a candle in its path or is sincere in his job to raise its status, will be its son. We know him and he knows us.
But for one who sees Kuwait just like a milch cow, living in it and waiting for its udder to dry up to escape from it, and does not respect laws and does not seek its prosperity and glory, then he is not her son. We know him and he knows us. Kuwait knows its children; it also knows pretenders. It knows us all, and does not need proof from us and will not ask us for witnesses. Boys and girls of Kuwait are those who love Kuwait — love of work and loyalty, not the love of songs and chants.
They do not stop giving no matter how bad hardships become. They believe in Kuwait that will remain, Kuwait of history and giving. These are Kuwaitis and they are the people of Kuwait. Those do not need recommendations or for anyone to select them. Kuwait knows and loves them. So, congratulations for the love of Kuwait!
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