By Dr Khalid Al-Saleh have a ministry of electricity and water that was established in Jan 1962, and despite the sincere work by the ministry and its officials to provide excellent service to deliver water and electricity and ensure their continuity and maintenance, we wish that they increase their services in the field of awareness with regards to saving power and water.Every year, water is wasted during national day celebration, which makes us hope the concerned ministry launches awareness campaigns prior to the national days to show the dangers of water shortages, not only for us, but for the entire world.In Kuwait we have a specialized society that knows the value of water. Soqya Al-Maa is very knowledgeable about people’s need for water, and if the ministry had sought their help, it would have provided them with examples and important information to add to citizens’ awareness and make them hesitate before using one liter of water without the need to do so.Thousands are dying due to water shortages, while statistics indicate that around one billion individuals around the world are in need of drinking water, and 2.7 billion find it difficult to get water for one month every year at least. Water makes up around 60-70 percent of the human body, and the human being cannot stay without water for a few days, as Almighty Allah made everything alive out of water.When I hear what officials of Soqya Al-Maa society are doing to rescue souls who do not have drinking water around the world, and when I see the crowds who line up on the pavements during our national days to squander huge amounts of water, I feel sad, as there are kind hands who are demanding rescuing souls and spreading happiness, who are met with larger numbers, with regret, who behave in the opposite way and waste water - water that may not be available for us in the future.Let us keep water in front of us at all times, and let us demand cooperation from government entities to cooperate with Soqya Al-Maa society to raise awareness with all citizens to not only prevent wastage, but to help people around the world find clean water to