By Ghadeer Ghloum

KUWAIT: Society has largely assigned domestic responsibilities, such as cooking and house chores, to women. Due to the inheritance of this assignment to women from one generation to another, it has become a tradition that society, including women themselves, consider such a woman’s normal duty. However, as we progress towards a more inclusive and fair society, it is crucial to acknowledge that these tasks should not fall on women’s shoulders alone. Cooking and doing house chores are not exclusive to women but rather should be seen as an optional favor for any member of the household to undertake willingly.

This is what Reem Fares, a working mother and wife, highlighted during her interview with the Kuwait Times. Fares said that household responsibilities should not be tied exclusively to females because men and women are equally capable of managing domestic tasks effectively, just as men and women can both leave their houses to look after their careers and become the breadwinners. Assigning cooking and house chores as a woman’s responsibility disregards her freedom of choice, content, and personal interests.

Today, women have evolved in various aspects of professional life; on the other hand, there are many men who have an interest in culinary arts and other household tasks. Hence, it is necessary to recognize that individuals differ in their abilities and preferences. This encourages and necessitates developing a culture where the choice to contribute to domestic duties is based on personal choice rather than exclusively imposing it on women and expecting every woman to master cooking and cleaning regardless of her interest in such duties.

Moreover, Fares emphasized the significance of shared responsibility and partnership. She said that when cooking and doing house chores are shared between both couples or among all members of the family, this will consequently lead to a healthier and happier life. Whether it was a big family or just two couples, each had to contribute. Children see through the media that women are responsible for house chores, in addition to seeing their own mother at home, not to mention the domestic helpers in countries like Kuwait, where domestic helpers are only women.

Therefore, there must be a change in terms of what they see through the media, schools, and, most importantly, within their home. Men in our society need to start collaborating with their wives in performing house chores in order to initiate change. This will also allow for adaptability to varying circumstances, such as career demands or personal commitments that may require different individuals to take on different responsibilities at different times. Embracing this shift will reflect mutual respect, cooperation, and fairness among family members.