KUWAIT: A citizen sentenced to 10 years in jail over a blackmail case was able to escape while the appeals court was discussing his case. When the judge adjourned the case, the suspect reportedly slipped away from security and walked out of the courtroom by merging with the crowds without being noticed. The suspect is 34 years of age, worked as a car dealer and was convicted in several cases including blackmail and swindling. An investigation was opened to determine the circumstances behind the man's escape, and to bring him under arrest.
Fugitives caught
Jahra detectives arrested a citizen sentenced to seven years in jail over two felonies, and discovered that he is also wanted on a civil case worth KD 300,000. The man was also charged with resisting arrest. The suspect was arrested at his home where police went with an arrest warrant, as they foiled his escape attempt. He was taken to the police station for further legal action. Separately, a Hawally detective was injured when a fugitive ran him over in Salmiya. The suspect was caught and taken to the detectives' office and charged accordingly, while the policeman was taken to Mubarak Hospital. - Translated from the Arabic press