KUWAIT: The permanent committee on freedoms at the Arab Journalists Federation met in Dubai to discuss the report on the situation of journalism freedoms in 2022–2023, which was issued by the UAE Journalists Federation. The meeting was attended by President of the Arab Journalists Federation Moayyad Al-Lami, Head of the Freedoms Committee Abdelwahab Al-Zughailat, UAE Journalists Federation Secretary General Fadheela Al-Maaini, Kuwait KJA treasurer Duhairan Aba Al-Khail, as well as representatives from 18 Arab countries.

The head of the committee, Al-Zughailat, explained the methodology the committee relied on to issue the report and the scientific methodology in Arab countries. Duhairan Aba Al-Khail said the committee discussed the timing of each Arab union sending its report to the federation. He said the meeting discussed the role of the state in organizing and managing journalism and providing journalists with support and financial aid, as well as the effect of social media on journalism and freedom in the Arab world.