By Majd Othman

KUWAIT: A recent tragic accident involving an influencer, which claimed the lives of three individuals, has sparked a significant debate among Kuwaiti citizens. The discussion centers on whether the existing traffic laws are sufficiently punitive and deterrent, especially in cases where the individual responsible for the accident was allegedly under the influence of alcohol.

Kuwait Times conducted a survey to gauge public opinion on this issue, probing whether the core problem lies in the punitive laws or in community awareness concerning reckless driving and its deadly consequences. Badriya M emphasized that the surge in accidents in Kuwait in recent years cannot be solely attributed to the authorities. She stressed that addressing this issue necessitates a holistic approach, commencing with awareness campaigns in schools, particularly for high school students who are approaching the age of obtaining their driver’s licenses.

Furthermore, parents should educate their children about the dangers of reckless behavior, underscoring the harm it can inflict not only on them but also on innocent bystanders. Badriya also called for a revival of extensive awareness campaigns that help individuals comprehend the genuine ramifications of their actions, citing Kuwait’s past success in this regard.

Nawaf A contended that the primary cause of the rising number of these horrific accidents, many of which involve drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs, is the prevalence of these substances in the country. He asserted that tackling the issue of drugs and alcohol is paramount in reducing accidents and safeguarding innocent lives. Maryam H suggested the implementation of stricter rules for individuals who show a blatant disregard for others by excessively speeding, especially at night. She believed that the current laws are adequate but insisted on severe penalties for reckless drivers, particularly those under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Concurrently, social media has been inundated with calls from individuals urging authorities to amend traffic laws to make them stricter and more deterrent. The recent celebrity accident revealed that the current law may result in a prison sentence of only three to four years.

MPs have proposed amending the law for accidents involving drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs, suggesting an increase in the penalty from 3 to 10 years. This proposal awaits consideration by the Cabinet. Nevertheless, interior minister emphasized that the fashionista involved in the accident would face strict legal consequences due to her reckless behavior. She is facing 10 charges and has been transferred to the prosecution.