KUWAIT: Cancer Aware Nation Campaign (CAN) organized a function to honor long-time Kuwaiti media figure Anisa Jaafar, commonly known as 'Mama Anisa'. CAN Chairman of the Board Dr Khalid Al-Saleh expressed appreciation for the opportunity to "honor the Chairman of the Board Mama Anisa," saying that she has succeeded during her illustrious career in "teaching our children the humanitarian, spiritual and educational values through unlimited contributions, during which she raised several generations on patriotic principles that served the social system of the country in all aspects."
Dr Saleh spoke about the challenges Jaafar faced, particularly her success as a woman at the beginning of her career. He described her success story as one of the earliest examples of true women's empowerment in Kuwait. "It was very difficult for a woman to go ahead among men and the society and excel in her field while maintaining the society's values and instilling the love of values and morals among young children," he said. Meanwhile, Jaafar expressed thanks and gratitude to CAN for hosting the functions, as well as their contributions that include awareness campaigns on children's cancer.