KUWAIT: The Cabinet is set to discuss ministerial procedures to start the organization of the upcoming elections of the National Assembly. Initial procedures will be discussing election dates and an invitation for candidates who wish to be nominated. According to constitutional law, elections must start within two months after the dissolution of the National Assembly, while invitations must, at most, be issued within a month of the dissolution. The election is expected to be held late September or early October, if the invitation is issued within the next week.

"Investigating panels will start its work as soon as candidates begin submitting their requests for nomination, which will ensure each candidate's qualification according to constitutional law," sources revealed to Kuwait Times. Sources have revealed that election panels in 125 schools have been designated across the different provinces of the country.

Moreover, the Ministry of Justice has organized with more than 1,200 judges and public prosecutors to supervise the election process. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Interior will provide security to the election process by providing more than 13,000 policemen, of which 4,000 who will be assigned specifically to supervise election ballots. Furthermore, the Municipality will be assigned to provide licensing for candidate advertisements and the hygiene of the election process throughout.