KUWAIT: Kuwait's Cabinet on Monday agreed to pass a draft law over the formation of a national electoral commission to parliament, pending its approval by lawmakers. The draft law, scheduled to be discussed during the forthcoming session of parliament, will be in addition to other matters due to be addressed when Kuwaiti lawmakers convene for a parliament session on Tuesday.

In the backdrop of a recent summit between Gulf Arab states and Central Asian countries held in Saudi Arabia's Red Sea city of Jeddah, the Cabinet praised the outcome of the talks as instrumental in boosting bilateral relations, hailing the gathering as a step towards bringing common aspirations to fruition. The summit focused on strengthening the existing partnerships between the GCC and Central Asian countries and enhancing security and stability considering the challenges surrounding the Arab Gulf region.

The Cabinet also gave the thumbs up to suggestions pitched by a ministerial committee tasked with handling economic affairs over the final accounts and budgets for independent state bodies for the fiscal year 2022/2023, referring the matter to His Highness the Crown Prince, for approval. The Cabinet discussed National Assembly affairs, where it reviewed the course of the special session of the assembly held last Tuesday and dedicated to discussing the government's work program for the seventeenth legislative term (2023-2027).

In this regard, the Cabinet stressed the importance of continued cooperation and coordination between the executive and legislative authorities to study the recommendations made by some members of the assembly during the discussion of the program, noting that the government's relationship with parliament is a partnership to serve the country and the citizen. In implementation of what was agreed upon by the Governmental Parliamentary Coordination Committee, the government referred yesterday to parliament a draft law on National Assembly elections and the establishment of a national body for the High Electoral Commission in preparation for discussion and approval in the current session of the NA.

National Assembly agenda

The cabinet reviewed the schedule of the parliamentary session and discussed matters surrounding it. The National Assembly agenda for Tuesday and Wednesday includes a discussion of the strategic alternative system and the government’s policy towards it. Parliamentarians will also talk about price monitoring and how to control artificial hikes. They will also tackle appointments in vacant leadership positions, with a focus on the government’s standards when making appointments. Another item on the agenda is pertaining requests to form temporary committees, including one to discuss problems facing southern areas including Sabah Al-Ahmad City, Residential Wafra, Ali Sabah Al-Salem area, and Residential Khairan.

A request to form a committee regarding Cyber and Artificial Intelligence Security has also been submitted for discussion. The agenda includes an item on the financial status of Housing Care Authority Projects at the end of fiscal year 2019-2020. Parliamentarians will also examine a letter from the Head of Public Authority for Corruption Control in the regards to the authority’s semiannual report for 2020-2021, which details its activities related to corruption prevention and control and recommendations to tackle any obstacles it’s come across. – KUNA