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KUWAIT: A Kuwaiti parliamentarian on Wednesday called on the international community to assume its responsibilities towards the violations that the residents of the besieged Palestinian Gaza Strip are suffering from being perpetrated by the Zionist occupation forces. This came in a speech delivered by a member of the Parliamentary Division, Representative Fahd bin Jamea, before the 147th Conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, currently held in Angola.

According to Al-Dustour News Network, Bin Jama said that the people of the besieged Gaza Strip demonstrated the highest meanings of sacrifice, loyalty, and defense of the land and homeland in light of the blatant and hideous violations practiced by a usurping, occupying entity without mercy in front of everyone’s eyes and ears.

He added that the Zionist entity killed innocent, defenseless civilians and cut off the basics of life such as water, electricity and medicine, and destroyed the infrastructure, including housing and hospitals, through continuous bombing with its military machinery, which is a vivid example of the collapse of the system of values and principles. — KUNA

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