KUWAIT: Kuwait's Cabinet, during its meeting on Monday, assigned Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Oil Dr Saad Al-Barrak, to study parliamentarian suggestions on the government’s work program, according to Kuwait's state media agency KUNA. Barrak also serves as Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Investment and Acting Minister of Finance. Cabinet made the decision after discussing the affairs of the National Assembly and examining proposals approved during last week’s parliamentary sessions.

They also reviewed a letter from the Speaker of the National Assembly Ahmad Al-Saadoun to which the remarks of MPs on the program were attached. The four-year program, submitted to the National Assembly on July 16, includes 107 major projects covering all economic, social, entertainment and human resources fields. Under the plan, the government pledged to operate several mega projects such as Kuwait’s part of the Gulf Railway project, repairing thousands of kilometers of roads and operating the long-delayed Mubarak Al-Kabeer Container Harbor on Boubyan Island.

At the meeting, ministers stressed the need to enhance fruitful joint work and continue coordination between the executive and legislative authorities, affirming its keenness to extend a hand of sincere and constructive cooperation between the government and the National Assembly. Commemorating martyrs The Council of Ministers recalled with appreciation the prominent role played by HH the late Amir Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, HH the late Father Amir Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah and HH the late Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah in working to liberate the State of Kuwait from the crutches of occupation.

“On the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the brutal Iraqi invasion of the State of Kuwait, which falls on Wednesday, the State of Kuwait, the leadership and people of Kuwait recall with pain and bitterness the crime of treachery committed by the Iraqi regime army at dawn on the second of August 1990,” Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs and Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs Issa Ahmed Al-Kandari said in a statement published on KUNA .

“The Cabinet recalls the steadfastness of the Kuwaiti people and their heroic sacrifices in the face of treacherous aggression, which is a model of national unity.” The ministers also pointed to the great sacrifices made by the righteous martyrs of Kuwait, asking God Almighty to bless them with His mercy. “The Cabinet renews its deep gratitude to all brotherly and friendly countries that contributed to the liberation of our dear homeland,” the statement continued.