KUWAIT: The head of blood transfer services at the health ministry Dr Reem Al-Radhwan said on Sunday the blood bank is always in need of volunteers for blood donations in order to save lives. She was speaking during a campaign for blood donations titled 'With us you will not miss it' in time for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. "Considering this large event, a number of centers have been prepared for blood donations and transfers," Radhwan said.
Dr Reem Al-Radhwan"As long as there are patients in hospitals, there will always be a need for donators, especially those with O and O- blood types, because they are general givers, amid the strategy of the bank to expand its geographical reach," she added. "Last year there were 90,000 blood donators, while this year around 100,000 people have already donated blood," she said.
The blood bank was accredited in 1989 and has been active locally and internationally, as it has always participated in exchanging expertise. The management is also preparing studies aside from regular work, as a new and rare blood type was discovered after labs at the bank conducted tests.