To be mindful of God Almighty in whatever one does is to know for certain that God watches over you externally and internally. As such, people should be ashamed to commit sins either in private or public because in whatever place or situation they are, God (to Whom is ascribed all perfection and majesty) definitely sees them.
God says in the Quran what can be translated as, "Moreover, with Him (Allah) are the keys of the realms of the unseen. No one knows of them but Him. And He knows, as well, all that is in the land and the sea. Not even a leaf falls but He knows it. Nor is there any single grain hidden within the veils of the darkness of the earth - nor anything moist therein nor anything withered - but that it is recorded in a clear book." (6:59)
Worship God as if you see Him: Muadh Bin Jabal - Prophet Muhammad's companion said, "O Messenger of Allah, advise me! The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said what can be translated as, "Worship Allah as though you see Him and always count yourself among the dead..." (Sheikh Al-Albani rated it as authentic in Saheeh At-Targheeb, 2,870)
If someone is mindful of Allah and counts himself among the dead, there is no way he will have the audacity to disobey God. He will also make sure that the aim of everything he does is to seek the pleasure of God. Zaid bin Aslam narrated that Ibn Umar passed by a shepherd and said to him, "O shepherd! Is there any sheep suitable for slaughter?" The shepherd replied, "The owner of the flock isn't here." Ibn Umar replied, "When he returns, tell him it was eaten by a wolf."
Upon hearing this, the shepherd lifted his head towards the heaven and said, "Then where is Allah?" - a rhetorical question indicating that even he could lie to his master or anyone else, but he can't lie to God because He watches over him in all situations and circumstances. Ibn Umar was impressed by the piety, sincerity, honesty and above all the shepherd's mindfulness of God so much so that he paid that shepherd's master a considerable amount of money to set him free and bought that flock of sheep for him as a capital to begin his free life with.
(Al-Albani said in As-Silsila As-Saheeha 7/469 that its chain of narrators is correct.) The shepherd would never have dreamt of being free, let alone owning the flock of sheep he was tending. Fear and love of Allah, and anticipating His rewards made that possible. That can happen to anyone who is sincere in his worship of God Almighty. Being mindful of Allah is underscored more in Ramadan because only God knows who really fasts and who doesn't.
Someone can easily lock up himself in a room, eat and drink and then come out claiming to be fasting, which people would not doubt - but because of the fear and love of God, those who fast don't do that. Fasting is training for the mindfulness of God that should be continued even after Ramadan. It should be well understood that no one dies until he gets his full share of what Allah had preordained for him in terms of sustenance. Therefore, no one should employ illicit means to get sustenance.
Abu Umama Al-Bahiley narrated that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, "Indeed, Angel Gabriel has revealed into my heart and mind that no one will die until his life-span ends and until he gets its sustenance in full measure. So fear Allah and seek your sustenance licitly. Moreover, do not let (your assumptions of) delayed subsistence cause you to disobey Allah (in order to expedite your sustenance). For, indeed, whatever is with Allah cannot be obtained except by obeying Him." (Al-Imam Al-Albani rated it as authentic in Saheeh Al-Ja'mei 2,085.)
If you truly fear Allah, He will provide for you from places and means that you do not expect. Moreover, He will find solutions to your problems. Abu Uthman said that Abu Hafs (both pious men) told him, "When you sit in front of people (to exhort and advise them), then be an advisor first to your soul and heart. Moreover, do not be misled by the fact that they gather around you to listen to you. For indeed, they only watch your external behavior, emotions, etc, whereas, Allah (to Whom is ascribed all perfection and majesty) watches over you internally and externally." (Ihya'aUloum Ad-Deen by Al-Ghazali 4/297)
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By Hassan T Bwambale