

arrow2 Yousef Abu-Ghazaleh
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Why we sometimes love what we hate
There’s a prevailing attitude many people subscribe to where they shun topics they aren’t interested in simply because they are not curious to explore them. And to a degree, that makes sense. Why would someone actively seek out what doesn’t interest them? I hated mathematics growing up, and so I don’t do calculus in my spare time.Another person may find history to be tearfully boring, and so they don’t spend free hours surfing the web...
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On Palestine and hope of symbols
KUWAIT: In November 1988, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), headed by Yasser Arafat, convened in Algiers. Something historic was on the horizon. In May 1948, the Nakba (Catastrophe) and the creation of the Zionist entity killed over 15,000 Palestinians, displaced ¾ of a million more from their homes, and robbed the native population of 78 percent of their land. When the dust settled, all that was left of Arab Palestine were two...