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Sheikh Talal Al-Sabah
All types of visas to open soon
KUWAIT: Interior Minister Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled Al-Sabah on Wednesday promised to open all types of visas for expats, especially dependent visas, following the approval of amendments to the residence law by the National Assembly next week, a lawmaker said. MP Abdulwahab Al-Essa, head of the Assembly’s committee entrusted to improve the business environment in the country, said the minister’s pledge came after a meeting with him during which...
KUWAIT: MPs attend a National Assembly session on Dec 12, 2023. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat
Foreign firms don’t need agents
KUWAIT: The National Assembly on Tuesday passed a law allowing foreign companies and investors to operate in the country without the need for a local agent, a step expected to open the doors for foreign investments. Fifty-six MPs, including Cabinet ministers, voted for the law, while one MP objected. The law removes the precondition that foreign investors must have a local agent to be able to work in Kuwait. Under the law, foreign companies and...
KUWAIT: HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received on Monday at Bayan Palace National Assembly Speaker Ahmad Al-Saadoun. HH the Crown Prince also received members of the committee to respond to the Amiri Speech, which included MP Osama Al-Shaheen, Rapporteur MP Bader Al-Enezi, MP Hamad Al-Obaid and National Assembly Secretary General Khaled Saad Abusulaib, where they presented to HH the Crown Prince the response for the 17th legislative session of 2023. – KUNA
Call for fair voter distribution
KUWAIT: A number of lawmakers said on Monday that they believe that resolving the injustice in the distribution of voters among the five electoral constituencies should be accorded priority in the process to reform the election system. The National Assembly’s legal and legislative committee on Sunday approved major reforms to the election system by accepting for the first time a party-like lists formula and allowing voters to cast two votes,...
Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah
Minister orders torture probe
KUWAIT: Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah on Thursday ordered an urgent probe into the case of a man who was allegedly illegally arrested and tortured by the ministry of defense intelligence. The order came after MP Marzouq Al-Ghanem sent a series of questions to the minister of defense, saying that a man was illegally detained and tortured to force him to make false confessions.The defense minister asked...