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Interior Ministry inspects traffic flow
KUWAIT: Interior Ministry Undersecretary Lt Gen Essam Al-Naham, accompanied by Public Works Ministry Undersecretary Ismail Ahmad, Interior Ministry Assistant Undersecretary for Traffic Affairs and Operations Maj Gen Hatim Al-Sayegh, Public Authority for Roads and Transportation's (PART) Acting Director General Suha Ashkanani, Public Works Ministry Assistant Undersecretary for Maintenance Sheikh Abdelaziz Al-Sabah and other officials, inspected...
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Seven killed as protests against government spread across Iraq
Outrage as prime minister blames violence on 'aggressors' BAGHDAD: Popular protests multiplied across Iraq yesterday as demonstrators braved live fire and tear gas from security forces in rallies that have left seven dead in the past 24 hours. The demonstrations are the first major challenge to Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi, who formed his government a year ago this month and who controversially blamed the violence on "aggressors" among the...
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Impeachment fight escalates as Trump calls probe a 'coup'
WASHINGTON: Donald Trump and Congress traded threats yesterday in a growing impeachment scandal that threatens to engulf the White House in what the president claimed is a "coup". The power struggle between Trump - accused of leaning on Ukraine's president to dig up dirt on one of his main 2020 election rivals - and congressional Democrats entered ever more volatile territory. Adam Schiff, the Democrat leading the impeachment probe in the lower...
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Eye-watering onion prices over India ban
MUMBAI/DHAKA: From Kathmandu to Colombo, it's a kitchen nightmare: Onion prices have gone crazy. That's because India, the world's biggest seller of the Asian diet staple, has banned exports after extended Monsoon downpours delayed harvests and supplies shrivelled. And dedicated buyers across the region, like Nepalese housewife Seema Pokharel, are flummoxed. "This is a terrible increase," said Pokharel, out shopping for vegetables in Kathmandu....
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North Korea fires ballistic missile
Most provocative test since talks with US beganSEOUL: North Korea fired what may have been a submarine-launched ballistic missile from off its east coast yesterday, a day after it announced the resumption of talks with the United States on ending its nuclear program. If confirmed, it would be the most provocative test by North Korea since it started the talks with the United States in 2018. Analysts said it was likely a reminder by Pyongyang of...
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'House of torture' puts focus on Nigeria Islamic schools
KANO: Horrific revelations of torture and abuse at a compound billing itself as a Quranic reform school in northern Nigeria have shone a spotlight on Islamic institutes unregulated by the authorities. Last week police in the city of Kaduna raided a building to find hundreds of men and boys - some reportedly aged as young as five - held in atrocious conditions at a facility proprietors described as a religious school and rehabilitation centre....
JOHANNESBURG: Zulu residents of the Jeppe Men Hostel scream waving batons in the Johannesburg CBD yesterday after South Africa’s financial capital was hit by a new wave of anti-foreigner violence. — AFP
The toxic cocktail that fuels South Africa's xenophobia
A witch's brew of unemployment, inequality and povertyJOHANNESBURG: A witch's brew of unemployment, inequality and poverty, mixed with South Africa's violent past, are to blame for attacks on foreigners that so tarnished the country's image last month, experts say. The deadly assaults rocked South Africa's relations with its neighbors but especially with Nigeria, whose president, Muhammadu Buhari, begins a state visit here on Thursday. At least...
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With parks, saunas and churches, Russian soldiers in Syria to stay
Thousands of Russian service personnel now deployed in SyriaTARTUS: Looking out over a park planted at Russia's naval facility in the Syrian port of Tartus, the base commander points to a row of trees. "These plants will have time to grow," the Russian says, his eyes shielded from the Mediterranean sun by a desert camouflage cap. Four years after they intervened in Syria in support of President Bashar Al-Assad, Russian military forces are showing...
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Custom, caste deny land rights to Asian women, indigenous people
Indigenous communities have legal rights to only 10% of landUDAIPUR: Women, lower-caste and indigenous people across Asia are failing to benefit from land reform laws because of custom and deep-rooted social biases, land rights activists said yesterday. Globally, indigenous communities have legal rights to only 10% of land, according to Washington, DC-based advocacy group Rights and Resources Initiative. "Land conflicts in Asia are increasing in...
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GCC markets remain volatile amid rising geopolitical risks
KUWAIT: Geopolitical events in the GCC during Sept-19 tested investors' confidence in regional markets after the sharp decline following the attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities. The performance of GCC indices remained mixed, characterized by steep volatility especially during the second half of the month. The attacks pushed the Saudi benchmark's YTD-19 performance towards the red for the first time this year at a yearly intraday low of...
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Migraines have significant social and economic burden in Kuwait
Dr Jasem Al Hashel KUWAIT: Leading medical experts came together recently to discuss the burdens of migraine across the local society at an event, which was organized by Novartis, one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies. At the event, which was held under the theme of 'It's time to prevent migraine in Kuwait', healthcare professionals stressed that migraine is a highly disruptive neurological disease that affects all aspects of life,...
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Arresting looks: Russian protests get a fashion twist
In cropped jeans and a cream sweatshirt, Alina Muzychenko would easily blend into a central Moscow crowd. But her bright pink socks are quietly subversive-patterned with a drawing of riot police holding hands. The 34-year-old runs a design label with her husband Yegor Yeremeyev which is among a number of trendy brands making clothes that signal support for Russia's protest movement. Sold online and in mainstream shops, the quirky designs have...