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TEHRAN: Iranian sports journalist Raha Pourbakhsh shows purchased electronic tickets for the Iran-Cambodia World Cup 2022 qualifier match during an interview with in front of Azadi stadium on Tuesday. - AFP
Iran women to attend football match for first time in decades
TEHRAN: Thousands of Iranian women fans are to attend a football match freely today for the first time in decades, after FIFA threatened to suspend the country over its controversial male-only policy. The Islamic republic has barred female spectators from football and other stadiums for around 40 years, with clerics arguing they must be shielded from the masculine atmosphere and sight of semi-clad men. World football's governing body FIFA ordered...
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Gulf Bank 642 Marathon registration open
KUWAIT: Gulf Bank launches 'Gulf Bank 642 Marathon' for the fifth consecutive year in partnership with Pro-Vision Sports Management. The much-anticipated community event invites challenge-seeking athletes as well as beginners to participate in the race on November 16, 2019. Last year's marathon was an unprecedented success with over 7,500 attendees representing over 66 nationalities competing at the event. Commenting on the annual event, Tony...
The National Assembly.
MPs blast interior ministry for mistreating senior journalist
Adasani says he will file to grill multiple ministers KUWAIT: Opposition MP Riyadh Al-Adasani yesterday strongly criticized the interior ministry after detectives in plainclothes mistakenly arrested Madhi Al-Khamees, a well-known senior journalist, and manhandled him before apologizing after realizing he was not the man they wanted. Khamees, the head of the Arab Media Forum, said he was arrested outside his home in Yarmouk immediately after he...
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Kuwait's Cabinet concerned over Iraq's protests, hopes for peaceful solution
Ministers informed about authority's measures to collect debts KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah chairs the Cabinet’s meeting. — KUNA KUWAIT: The Kuwaiti government followed with great concern the ongoing protests in Iraq which left many casualties, the Cabinet has stated. In a statement following its weekly meeting held Monday under the chairmanship of the His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh...
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Air pollution behind 10 percent of deaths in Kuwait: US official
Kuwait University center hosts 'Clean Air for Global Health' panel discussion Dr Sumi Mehta KUWAIT: "Air pollution is responsible for 10 percent of deaths in Kuwait," said Dr Sumi Mehta, a US Department of State speaker, during a panel discussion titled 'Clean Air for Global Health' held yesterday at Kuwait University's Health Sciences Center. She spoke about examples of pollution in the US in the past several decades. "In Kuwait, they have a...
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No individual licenses for mobile trucks
KUWAIT: Kuwait Municipality Director Ahmad Al-Manfouhi stressed the Municipality has allocated general locations for mobile trucks and has not issued individual licenses per truck. Responding to an inquiry by Municipal Councilmember Hassan Kamal in this regard, Manfouhi explained nine locations had been set of 5,000 sq m each according to certain conditions, adding that trucks that do not comply with the set location will be fined by the...
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Tribes start preparations for 2020 elections
KUWAIT: Preparations for the 2020 parliamentary elections seem to have started early in the fourth and fifth constituencies, which are dominated by tribes. In this regard, informed sources said tribes have already started preparing for the elections due from mid-October to mid-December 2020. The sources said the Mutair tribe - the largest in the fourth constituency - has started coordination to avoid splitting of its votes like what happened in...
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Three firemen hurt in Hawally building blaze
KUWAIT: Three firefighters suffered from heat exhaustion while battling a blaze reported yesterday morning in Hawally. The fire had started in a 10th floor apartment in a 12-storey building, which was evacuated before firemen extinguished the flames. No other injuries were reported. An investigation was opened to reveal the cause of the fire.By Hanan Al-Saadoun
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Sunset at Shuwaikh Beach
KUWAIT: Sunset at Shuwaikh Beach. — Photo by Hassan Mahmoud (KUNA)
BEIRUT: Lebanese protesters chant slogans during a demonstration in central Beirut’s Martyr Square. Lebanese protested in the capital over increasingly difficult living conditions, amid fears of a dollar shortage and possible price hikes. — AFP
UAE lifts Lebanon travel ban: Beirut seeks support for ailing economy
Hariri hoping for cash injection for central bankABU DHABI: The United Arab Emirates lifted a ban on its citizens visiting Lebanon on Monday as the Beirut government sought UAE help in steering the heavily indebted economy out of deep crisis. Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri, leading a delegation to Abu Dhabi seeking support, had told Reuters he was hoping the UAE would inject cash into its central bank. Before the lifting of the travel ban was...
NEWRY: A lorry is seen passing a sign on a main road outside Newry, Northern Ireland, pointing towards an old customs and excise station near the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland. —AFP
Stop playing 'stupid' Brexit blame game, EU warns UK prime minster
'A compromise or its no-deal Brexit'LONDON: The European Union accused Britain of playing a "stupid blame game" over Brexit yesterday after a Downing Street source said a deal was essentially impossible because German Chancellor Angela Merkel had made unacceptable demands. With just 23 days before the United Kingdom is due to leave the bloc, the future of Brexit remains deeply uncertain and both London and Brussels are positioning themselves to...
PARIS: French President Emmanuel Macron stands in front of coffins during a ceremony at The Prefecture de Police de Paris (Paris Police Headquarters), held to pay respects to the victims of an attack at the prefecture. —AFP
French leader vows 'unrelenting fight' against Islamist extremists
Macron pays tribute to four police staff stabbed to deathPARIS: French President Emmanuel Macron vowed an "unrelenting fight" against Islamist extremists yesterday as he paid tribute to the four Paris police staff stabbed to death last week by a radicalized colleague. Mickael Harpon, a 45-year-old computer expert in the police intelligence-gathering department, used a kitchen knife and an oyster shucker to kill three male and one female colleague...