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An Indian paramilitary solider stands guard as Kashmiri pedestrians walk along a street during a curfew in Srinagar on August 14, 2015. Authorities imposed a curfew in parts of the main city of Indian-controlled Kashmir on August 14 to prevent any move by separatists to celebrate Pakistan's indepedence day, police said. The restrictions in Srinagar, which included the closure of the city's main mosque during Friday prayers, were announced on the eve of independence day in both India and Pakistan and follow a recent spike in violence. AFP PHOTO / Tauseef MUSTAFA
Kashmir villagers flee amid Pakistan-India border fight
An Indian paramilitary solider stands guard as Kashmiri pedestrians walk along a street during a curfew in Srinagar on August 14, 2015. Authorities imposed a curfew in parts of the main city of Indian-controlled Kashmir on August 14 to prevent any move by separatists to celebrate Pakistan's indepedence day, police said. The restrictions in Srinagar, which included the closure of the city's main mosque during Friday prayers, were announced on the...
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Another terrorist cell busted - ‘Massive weapons, explosives cache uncovered’
KUWAIT: Three members of an alleged terrorist cell were arrested yesterday and a massive cache of weaponry and explosives hidden at a farm in Abdaly was uncovered, the Interior Ministry announced in a statement to the press.The cache of weapons, hidden inside a hole in the ground that had been fortified with concrete, included 56 rocket propelled grenade launchers, dozens of guns and kilos of explosive material.The 47 year old Kuwaiti owner of...
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Should expats pay income tax?
What if a tax is imposed on the money remitted by expatriates? I know this is scary for many expats here, but this issue has seen heated debates in a number of Gulf states, some of which seem logical and others weak. The demands do not specify how the country will benefit from the collected monies. The most important question is who are the targeted categories? Not all expats are alike. Are they targeting big contactors, traders, doctors,...
Hulya Aydin, seated left, the mother of Turkish police special operations officer Sahin Polat Aydin, one of the four officers killed Monday in a landmine attack attributed to militants of  the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, in Silopi, southeastern Turkey, other relatives and officers pray as they attend a ceremony in Ankara, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015. Turkey has seen a sharp spike in clashes between security forces and Kurdish rebels in recent weeks. At least 48 people have died during the renewed violence that has wrecked an already fragile peace process with the Kurds. (AP Photo)
Turkey warlanes bombs 17 PKK targets after deadly attacks
Hulya Aydin, seated left, the mother of Turkish police special operations officer Sahin Polat Aydin, one of the four officers killed Monday in a landmine attack attributed to militants of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, in Silopi, southeastern Turkey, other relatives and officers pray as they attend a ceremony in Ankara, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015. Turkey has seen a sharp spike in clashes between security forces and Kurdish rebels in recent...
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MEW meets with co-ops on 18-hour water cut-off
KUWAIT: The Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) Undersecretary Mohammad Bushehri met with several chairmen and representatives of cooperative societies to explain the issue of cutting fresh water supplies on some areas scheduled to start at 6:00 pm Friday and will continue for 18 hours and to discuss their role in this regard.Jahra projectEng Bushehri said the Ministry of Public Works (MPW) will coordinate with MEW to complete the work to...
Kuwaitis sail in traditional dhows off Kuwait City during the annual pearl diving trip in the port of Khairan, 100 kilometres south of Kuwait City, on August 11, 2015. Pearl-diving trips are held annually under the patronage of the Kuwaiti emir in order to keep alive traditions that accompanied the once-important national pearl trade before the discovery of the oil wealth.
KSSC head lauds Amir's support to diving event
Kuwaitis sail in traditional dhows off Kuwait City during the annual pearl diving trip in the port of Khairan, 100 kilometres south of Kuwait City, on August 11, 2015. Pearl-diving trips are held annually under the patronage of the Kuwaiti emir in order to keep alive traditions that accompanied the once-important national pearl trade before the discovery of the oil wealth.KUWAIT: The 27th annual Pearl Dive Trip won limitless support from His...
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Kuwait looks to alternatives of neutral zone
KUWAIT: Kuwait plans to develop four oil and gas fields in the north as part of its longer term plans for expanding output. Kuwait intends to increase output to 4 million barrels per day by 2020, though delays in the development of new upstream projects, a difficulty attracting foreign investment (due to disagreements on terms) and a recent shutdown of output from the Divided Neutral Zone due to a disagreement with Saudi Arabia, have hindered the...
British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon (2L, top) speaks to journalists after military exercises on the shooting range of Ukrainian forces near Ghytomyr, some 150 km west of Kiev, on August 11, 2015. The Defence Secretary announced further enhancements of the UK training programme for Ukrainian armed forces while visiting the country. AFP PHOTO/ SERGEI SUPINSKY
Ukraine vows to use 'entire arsenal' against rebels
British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon (2L, top) speaks to journalists after military exercises on the shooting range of Ukrainian forces near Ghytomyr, some 150 km west of Kiev, on August 11, 2015. The Defence Secretary announced further enhancements of the UK training programme for Ukrainian armed forces while visiting the country. AFP PHOTO/ SERGEI SUPINSKYKIEV: Ukraine vowed yesterday to use all weapons at its disposal to withstand an...
A teller counts yuan banknotes in a bank in Lianyungang, east China's Jiangsu province on August 11, 2015. China's central bank on August 11 devalued its yuan currency by nearly two percent against the US dollar, as authorities seek to push market reforms and bolster the world's second-largest economy. CHINA OUT   AFP PHOTO
China devaluation heralds currency war - US dollar on the rise as China devalues yuan
A teller counts yuan banknotes in a bank in Lianyungang, east China's Jiangsu province on August 11, 2015. China's central bank on August 11 devalued its yuan currency by nearly two percent against the US dollar, as authorities seek to push market reforms and bolster the world's second-largest economy. CHINA OUT AFP PHOTOLONDON: China's shock 2 percent devaluation of the yuan yesterday pushed the dollar higher and raised the prospect of a new...
People stage a rally against the restarting of the nuclear reactor outside the gates of the Kyushu Electric Power Sendai nuclear power plant in Satsumasendai, Kagoshima prefecture, on Japan's southern island of Kyushu on August 11, 2015. Japan switched on the nuclear reactor on August 11, ending a two-year shutdown in the energy-hungry country that was sparked by public fears following the 2011 Fukushima crisis, the worst atomic disaster in a generation.     AFP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS   JAPAN OUT
Japan ends nuclear shutdown sparked by Fukushima crisis - Anti-nuclear sentiment still runs high
People stage a rally against the restarting of the nuclear reactor outside the gates of the Kyushu Electric Power Sendai nuclear power plant in Satsumasendai, Kagoshima prefecture, on Japan's southern island of Kyushu on August 11, 2015. Japan switched on the nuclear reactor on August 11, ending a two-year shutdown in the energy-hungry country that was sparked by public fears following the 2011 Fukushima crisis, the worst atomic disaster in a...
FERGUSON, MO - AUGUST 10: Demonstrators, marking the one-year anniversary of the shooting of Michael Brown, protest along West Florrisant Street on August 10, 2015 in Ferguson, Missouri. Mare than 100 people were arrested today during protests in Ferguson and the St. Louis area. Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer on August 9, 2014. His death sparked months of sometimes violent protests in Ferguson and drew nationwide focus on police treatment of black offenders.   Scott Olson/Getty Images/AFPn== FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS & TELEVISION USE ONLY ==
Ferguson under state of emergency - Night of protests brings confrontation, arrests
FERGUSON, MO - AUGUST 10: Demonstrators, marking the one-year anniversary of the shooting of Michael Brown, protest along West Florrisant Street on August 10, 2015 in Ferguson, Missouri. Mare than 100 people were arrested today during protests in Ferguson and the St. Louis area. Brown was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer on August 9, 2014. His death sparked months of sometimes violent protests in Ferguson and drew nationwide focus on...
(FILES) - File picture taken on July 24, 2013 shows Sundar Pichai, Senior Vice President of Android, Chrome and Apps for Google, speaking at a media event at Dogpatch Studios in San Francisco, California. Google unveiled a new corporate structure August 10, 2015, creating a parent company dubbed Alphabet led by chief executive Larry Page, with the Internet search unit as one of several entities. In a surprise announcement, Page said Alphabet will be the umbrella company for the tech giant's research arm X Lab, investment unit Google Ventures and health and science operations, as well as the search unit Google, whose CEO will be current vice president Sundar Pichai.n AFP Photo/JOSH EDELSON
Google 'Alphabet' spells surprise reorganization
(FILES) - File picture taken on July 24, 2013 shows Sundar Pichai, Senior Vice President of Android, Chrome and Apps for Google, speaking at a media event at Dogpatch Studios in San Francisco, California. Google unveiled a new corporate structure August 10, 2015, creating a parent company dubbed Alphabet led by chief executive Larry Page, with the Internet search unit as one of several entities. In a surprise announcement, Page said Alphabet...