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German Chancellor Angela Merkel (left) speaks with British Prime Minister David Cameron (center) and French President Francois Hollande as they meet on the sidelines of an EU summit in Brussels yesterday. —AP
Merkel faces major domestic revolt over refugee welcome - 'The chancellor is walking on thin ice'
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (left) speaks with British Prime Minister David Cameron (center) and French President Francois Hollande as they meet on the sidelines of an EU summit in Brussels yesterday. —APBERLIN: Germany's Angela Merkel is used to owning the room when she speaks to her party faithful, but the mood turned hostile when she defended her open-door refugee policy this week.In a heated atmosphere, some of the 1,000-odd members at...
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British teenage girl sentenced on terror charges
LONDON: A British court yesterday sentenced a 16-year-old girl to a 12-month rehabilitation program after she was arrested by police investigating an Islamic State-inspired "massacre" plot on an Anzac Day parade in Australia. The Manchester teenager, who cannot be named, had earlier pleaded guilty to two offences of downloading terrorist information as Manchester Youth Court heard how she had become radicalized online and intended to hack into...
Israeli border police search a Palestinian, next to newly placed concrete blocks in an east Jerusalem neighborhood yesterday. — AP
Israelis arm themselves after more knife attacks
Israeli border police search a Palestinian, next to newly placed concrete blocks in an east Jerusalem neighborhood yesterday. — APJERUSALEM: Israeli security forces deployed massively in Jerusalem yesterday as Jews armed themselves with everything from guns to broomsticks, rattled by a wave of Palestinian attacks that have shaken the country. Some 300 soldiers were reinforcing police, stretched thin by a two-week upsurge in violence that has...
President Barack Obama walks onto the stage in the East Room of the White House in Washington at the beginning of the ‘In Performance at the White House’ series. — AP photos
Obama celebrates American music with 'eclectic bunch'
President Barack Obama walks onto the stage in the East Room of the White House in Washington at the beginning of the ‘In Performance at the White House’ series. — AP photosBopping his head to the beat and swaying to a blues version of "America the Beautiful," President Barack Obama celebrated what he called one of the country's most precious gifts: "American creativity." Obama and his wife, Michelle, marked the history of American music...
Syrian regime bombings on rebel positions in Jobar, in eastern Damascus
Turkey, Saudi warn Russia over 'big mistake' in Syria - Syria regime in new offensive as Putin blasts US
Syrian regime bombings on rebel positions in Jobar, in eastern DamascusANKARA: Turkey and Saudi Arabia yesterday warned Russia over the consequences of its intervention in Syria, with Ankara telling Moscow its bombing campaign in support of the regime was a "big mistake". The two majority Sunni Muslim powers both support the moderate opposition in Syria and have been infuriated by Moscow's bombing campaign to prop the regime of President Bashar...
China’s alleged on-going reclamation of Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea
China warns against US South China Sea move - 'Firmly oppose' infringement of sovereignty
China’s alleged on-going reclamation of Mischief Reef in the Spratly Islands in the South China SeaBEIJING: Beijing warned yesterday that it would "firmly oppose" infringement of its sovereignty after indications Washington will soon send warships close to its artificial islands in the South China Sea. Tensions have mounted since China transformed reefs in the area-also claimed by several neighboring countries-into small islands capable of...
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Mute Indian girl 'identifies family'
KARACHI: A mute and deaf Indian girl who has been stuck in Pakistan for 13 years because she cannot remember where she came from may have finally identified her family, the charity looking after her said yesterday.The new ray of hope for the woman known only as Geeta, believed to be in her early 20s, came after the Indian High Commission in Islamabad sent her a photograph of a family, whom she said she recognized.The Edhi Foundation, Pakistan's...
Bangladeshi people gather outside a morgue as policemen guard during the autopsy on the body of killed Japanese citizen Kunio Hoshi at Mahiganj village in Rangpur district
Retail giants restrict travel to Bangladesh after attacks - IS claims it killed two foreigners, govt rejects
Bangladeshi people gather outside a morgue as policemen guard during the autopsy on the body of killed Japanese citizen Kunio Hoshi at Mahiganj village in Rangpur districtDHAKA: Business executives from global clothing giants H&M Inditex and Gap have cancelled trips to Dhaka this month after the killings of two foreigners, industry sources said, causing anxiety for Bangladesh's $25 billion garment export sector.Bangladeshi suppliers to the...
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The Martian is a movie that shouldn't have been made.
From Red Planet to Mission to Mars to John Carter, movies about Mars have consistently flopped at the box office. As Andy Weir, the author of the novel the movie is based on, pointed out in a recent episode of The Geek's Guide to the Galaxy podcast, it's been decades since any movie about the red planet has been a hit. These days, Hollywood studios have come to think of films about Earth's nearest neighbor as carrying a box office curse. Indeed,...
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ME banks facing rare currency drought; Gulf SWFs drawing on bank funds
LONDON: Acutely tighter liquidity conditions in Gulf banking systems are casting doubt on how easily the region’s lenders will be able to support their sovereigns’ growing funding needs as depressed commodity prices take their toll. The fortunes of Gulf sovereigns and banks are inextricably linked, with many lenders state owned. And with oil prices struggling to rise much above $50 a barrel, governments are having to shore up their finances...
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Germany orders scandal-hit VW to recall 2.4m vehicles
FRANKFURT: The German authorities tightened the screws on Volkswagen yesterday, saying they would order it to recall 2.4 million vehicles across the country that are fitted with pollutioncheating software. As the embattled auto giant continues to struggle to resolve its deepest-ever crisis, the authorities appear to be losing patience. “We are going to issue the order” to recall 2.4 million vehicles, a spokesman for the KBA or federal...
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China’s billionaires overtake US: Survey - Turning point for the super-wealthy
SHANGHAI: The number of billionaires in China has overtaken that of the United States for the first time, an annual survey said yesterday, calling it a “turning point” for the super-wealthy. Communist-ruled China now has 596 billionaires, up a “staggering” 242 over the last year, Shanghai-based luxury magazine publisher Hurun Report said, surpassing the 537 Americans. “The world used to look to American entrepreneurs... for inspiration....