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Muna Al-Fuzai
Muna Al-Fuzai How many times has an email come to your inbox stating that you are eligible for immigration or study or work abroad or telling you that your dream life is waiting for you in X country? If you were planning to immigrate or study abroad and already started the official process with an authorized attorney, this should not be a surprise. But when an email comes to you without your request or consent or even thinking about the...
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Scientific Center visitors interact with Sophia robot
KUWAIT: The Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) is eager to restore scientific culture to reach a wide sector of audience, said KFAS' deputy director general for support programs and functions Amani Al-Baddah. Speaking on the sidelines of a lecture on the 'Space Month' held at the KFAS' Scientific Center, she said this event is part of a series, called KFAS Links, in various scientific fields. David Hansen, the creator of...
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Kuwait City’s skyline as seen from the Sheikh Jaber Causeway
KUWAIT: Kuwait City’s skyline as seen from the Sheikh Jaber Causeway. — Photo by Ahmad Al-Mutairi (KUNA)
BAGHDAD: Iraqi protesters gather on the capital Al-Jumhuriyah Bridge yesterday during an anti-government protest. — AFP
50 dead as Iraq protests take new violent turn
BAGHDAD: Nearly 50 people have died in renewed anti-government protests across Iraq, officials said yesterday, with clashes breaking out as demonstrators turned their fury against government and paramilitary offices. The death toll from protests this month has climbed to 205, including dozens who were killed as they torched government buildings or offices belonging to factions of Hashed al-Shaabi force over the past two days. The demonstrations...
BEIRUT: Members of the Lebanese security forces surround protesters blocking a major bridge in the center of the capital during an anti-government protest yesterday. — AFP
Lebanese take to streets for 10th day, defy Hezb
BEIRUT: Members of the Lebanese security forces surround protesters blocking a major bridge in the center of the capital during an anti-government protest yesterday. — AFP BEIRUT: Demonstrators across Lebanon blocked roads and took to the streets yesterday for a 10th consecutive day, defying what they said were attempts by Hezbollah to defuse their movement and despite tensions with the army. The demonstrators - who have thronged Lebanese...
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In buckets and gardening gloves, Iraq protesters dress for tear gas
Rivals face off on a main bridge of the Iraqi capitalBAGHDAD: The row of tense Iraqi police readied their tear gas canisters to disperse swelling crowds. Facing the officers, demonstrators donned their equipment too - plastic buckets, soda cans and gardening gloves. The rivals faced off on a main bridge of the Iraqi capital, with protesters advancing from Tahrir Square and itching to reach government offices across the river in the Green Zone....
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Protecting Syria oil? US new goal
Trump's Syria strategy under question QAMISHLI: A US military vehicle drives near a checkpoint controlled by the Syrian government forces in Syria’s northeastern city of Qamishli yesterday. —AFP WASHINGTON: After abruptly pulling US troops who protected Kurdish fighters, President Donald Trump has identified protecting oil as the new goal in Syria. But experts question if the new strategy is realistic, or even legal. Defense Secretary Mark...
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Boeing design flaw a factor in Lion Air crash: Indonesia probe
First officer and captain made mistakes JAKARTA: Boeing, acting without adequate oversight from US regulators, failed to grasp risks in the design of cockpit software on its 737 MAX airliner, sowing the seeds for a Lion Air crash that also involved errors by airline workers and crew, Indonesian investigators found. The fatal crash, followed within five months by another at Ethiopian Airlines, led to a global grounding of the Boeing 737 MAX and a...
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Most of the 39 UK truck victims likely from Vietnam
YEN THANH: Most of the 39 people found dead in the back of a truck near London were likely from Vietnam, a local priest from the rural, rice-growing community where many of the victims are believed to have come from, said yesterday. The bodies were discovered on Wednesday after emergency services were alerted to people in a truck container on an industrial site in Grays, about 32 km east of central London. Police said initially they believed the...
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Nepal gang-rape victim sees attackers convicted after years-long battle
KATHMANDU: A Nepali woman who was gang raped as a child finally saw her attackers convicted this week after a years-long legal battle that took her to the country's highest court, but said she was still waiting for compensation for her ordeal. Pooja Bohara was dragged into a bathroom and raped in 2012 when she was 14, a case that made headlines and triggered anger across the Himalayan nation. On Thursday, the Supreme Court found two men guilty of...
NEW YORK: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and News Corp CEO Robert Thompson speak about the new Facebook News feature at the Paley Center for Media on Friday. - AFP
Facebook ‘news tab’ to reboot role with media
WASHINGTON: Facebook on Friday began rolling out its dedicated “news tab” with professionally produced content - the latest move by the social network to promote journalism and shed its reputation as a platform for misinformation. The tab, being tested with some US users, will be separate from a user’s normal feed and include articles from partner news organizations - making a clear distinction between journalism and stories shared by users...
NEW DELHI: A sweeper cleans a road amid heavy smog in New Delhi yesterday - a day after the Diwali festival. Air pollution in New Delhi hit hazardous levels yesterday after a night of free-for-all Diwali fireworks, despite Supreme Court efforts to curb partying that fuels the Indian capital's toxic smog problem. - AFP
Pollution levels in India’s capital hit the worst this year
NEW DELHI: Pollution levels in India's capital New Delhi have hit their worst for the second time in October-earning a "very poor" rating and indicating air quality could deteriorate further after the Hindu festival of Diwali. The air quality index, which measures the concentration of poisonous particulate matter, touched 388 in New Delhi on Friday, according to U.S. embassy data, way above the "safe" limit of 60. The index measures the...