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MP asks about number of expats, expected growth
KUWAIT: MP Khalil Abul yesterday questioned Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Hind Al-Sabeeh about the population of foreigners in Kuwait and their expected growth in the next 10 years. In a series of questions, the lawmaker asked for the number of expatriates based on the latest population census, distributed on various nationalities, type of sex and the educational degrees they hold. He also asked about the number of Kuwaiti citizens...
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5% remittance fee proposal rejected
KUWAIT: Expatriates may become assured that they will not have to pay five percent fees on their money transfers outside Kuwait, as the parliament legislative committee found a constitutional violation in the Parliamentary proposal that calls for enforcing the fee.Meanwhile, the committee approved a proposal to require compulsory education for children born in Kuwait at the government’s expense. Rapporteur of the Legislative Committee MP Ahmad...
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Interior protects, enforces law
KUWAIT: The Ministry of Interior warned Sunday that it rejects illegal interferences or nepotism, and that it would always execute the law.The ministry was reacting to claims by social media network that the ministry released a Syrian citizen who was recently arrested for wearing a police uniform and acting as one.The ministry said the release was upon a decision by the judicial authorities awaiting a final verdict against the Syrian. —KUNA
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Shaab’s red tide ‘toxic’
KUWAIT: Secretary general of Kuwait Environment Protection Society (KEPS) Wejdan Al-Oqab stressed that the black slick spotted Sunday afternoon off Al-Shaab coast consists of dark red poisonous seaweeds that are very harmful for marine species. She added that fish feeding on those weeds would be dangerous for human consumption because they would become highly toxic. She added that such seaweeds form naturally in case they find enough adequate...
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MP urges securing camping sites
MP Dr Abdulrahman Al-JeeranKUWAIT: In view of the beginning of the annual camping season, MP Abdulrahman Al-Jeeran yesterday proposed building comprehensive security, firefighting and ambulance centers in camping areas and along highways.In his proposal, Jeeran urged the interior minister to build security checkpoints along northern, west and southern borders.Marriage courseRapporteur of the parliamentary women affairs committee, MP, Mohammed...
Francis Xavier Moraes
Kuwait Times staff mourns the sudden and unexpected loss of their colleague and friend, Xavier Moraes who served as an editor for the newspaper for more than 30 years. Francis Xavier MoraesI have known Xavier for more than 18 years; as a friend and a colleague who used to sit in his desk next to mine in the newsroom. A cool, no-nonsense guy, I saw Xavier as a practical journalist who never used to lose his cool even under extreme work pressure....
Khaled Al-Duwaisan
Kuwaitis to get online visas to UK by mid 2016
Khaled Al-DuwaisanKUWAIT: Kuwait Ambassador to the United Kingdom Khaled Al-Duwaisan has affirmed that the British authorities would begin issuing the charges-free online visas in the middle of next year, clarifying that the new system would be tested this month.In remarks to the Arabic-language Kuwaiti daily newspaper 'Al-Anbaa' published yesterday, Ambassador Duwaisan indicated that there were some glitches in the new system, but the British...
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Europe mulls Kuwaiti’s Schengen visa exemption
KUWAIT: Kuwait’s request to exempt Kuwaiti citizens from having the Schengen visa was being considered by most European Union countries, a senior official said. Kuwaiti foreign minister’s assistant for European Affairs Ambassador Waleed Al- Khubaizi was speaking to reporters Sunday night ceremony held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of establishing bilateral relations between Kuwait and Belgium. He stressed that Kuwait’s bilateral...
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KD 1,400 withdrawn through stolen ATM card
KUWAIT: A citizen in Bayan told police that an unknown person stole his ATM card and withdrew KD 1,400 from his bank account in three separate transactions. He said that he wrote the pin code at the bottom of the card, allowing the thief to have access to his account. Police are investigating.StabbingA 22-year-old citizen was stabbed in the shoulder, and police arrested the attacked. A case was filed to investigate the circumstances behind the...
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3 Containers of Counterfeit clothes carrying world brand names discovered
KUWAIT: Northern ports department men discovered 3 containers full of counterfeit clothes carrying world brand names. The owner was given a choice of either paying a fine and have the shipment destroyed, or be sent for prosecution.Landmine detonated in AbdaliArmy engineers dealt with a land mine that was found in Abdali desert earlier this week. The area was evacuated before explosives' technicians detonated the mine.KD 100,000 robberyA man Sharq...
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What kind of tourism do you want?
Information Minister, State Minister for Youth Affairs and Chairman of the Higher Tourism Committee Sheikh Salman Al-Humoud Al-Sabah made a good statement recently, in which he said there is an intention to establish a specialized authority for tourism in Kuwait. The decision comes out from the future vision to make tourism one of Kuwait's sources of income, the minister said. The step is being taken after the tourism sector returned from...
SHARM EL-SHEIKH: A policeman sits under shade in front of a tourism police station in Naama Bay, Sharm El-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt yesterday. —AP
Airliner tragedy crushes Egypt hopes on tourism
SHARM EL-SHEIKH: A policeman sits under shade in front of a tourism police station in Naama Bay, Sharm El-Sheikh, South Sinai, Egypt yesterday. —APSHARM EL-SHEIKH: Tourism in Sharm El-Sheikh was picking up again after years of political turmoil, with so many Russians enjoying the sun and fun that local beach aerobics instructors used the visitors' own language rather than Arabic or English. Life was at last starting to look good for residents...