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Man busted in heroin import scheme
KUWAIT: A man was caught when received a package containing heroin. The man was arrested when customs detectives discovered the illicit drugs in a parcel sent from Pakistan and the man admitted he had received four similar parcels previously. He was sent to Drugs Control General Department. The amount of heroin found is estimated at 500 grams. 100 more pure heroin were found in the suspect's house. In another drug-related incident, airport...
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Regional hidden, proxy wars
The modern alternative of traditional military wars that aim at destroying the enemy, spreading division amongst its lines and defaming it before other peoples in order to achieve political, economic and security gains at their expense, is highly sophisticated intelligence wars that mainly depend on conspiracies, deception and implanting secret agents who claim antagonizing their 'bosses' in order to achieve the very same goals of destroying the...
PARIS: French President Francois Hollande (right) and British Prime Minister David Cameron shake hands after a joint statement following talks yesterday at the Elysee Presidential Palace. —AFP
Global diplomacy in 'high gear' - Hollande, Cameron bid to rally global support against IS
PARIS: French President Francois Hollande (right) and British Prime Minister David Cameron shake hands after a joint statement following talks yesterday at the Elysee Presidential Palace. —AFPPARIS: Global efforts to combat the Islamic State group gathered pace yesterday as British Prime Minister David Cameron pledged solidarity during a visit to France and Russian leader Vladimir Putin met his allies in Iran. A week of frantic international...
BRUSSELS: Soldiers and a policeman patrol on the Grand Place as the Belgian capital remains on the highest possible alert level yesterday. —AFP
Brussels in lockdown as five held in raids
BRUSSELS: Soldiers and a policeman patrol on the Grand Place as the Belgian capital remains on the highest possible alert level yesterday. —AFPBRUSSELS: Soldiers patrolled the streets of Brussels and police detained five more people on the third day of a security lockdown yesterday, as Belgium hunted a suspected Islamist militant who has been on the run since the attacks in Paris. Authorities are still warning of possible imminent attacks like...
This photo made from the footage taken from Russian defense ministry’s official website yesterday shows fuel tanks hit during an attack by Russian warplanes in Syria. —AP
Syrian troops seize territory from IS in central province - Russian strikes, Hezbollah aid advance
This photo made from the footage taken from Russian defense ministry’s official website yesterday shows fuel tanks hit during an attack by Russian warplanes in Syria. —APDAMASCUS: Syrian troops backed by Russian airstrikes captured areas from the Islamic State group in the central province of Homs yesterday, in the latest push since the aerial campaign began nearly two months ago, state media and a monitoring group said. The Britain-based...
MANAMA: In this Jan 18, 2012 file photo, Hassan Al-Marzooq, deputy general secretary of the opposition National Democratic Assemblage society, runs across a street as riot police move in to disperse anti-government protesters. —AP
Human Rights Watch says torture still happening in Bahrain
MANAMA: In this Jan 18, 2012 file photo, Hassan Al-Marzooq, deputy general secretary of the opposition National Democratic Assemblage society, runs across a street as riot police move in to disperse anti-government protesters. —APNICOSIA: Bahraini security forces are torturing detainees during interrogation as regulatory bodies set up after the 2011 uprising "lack independence" and officials are not held accountable, Human Rights Watch said...
LONDON: British Prime Minister David Cameron, center, talks with Royal Navy personnel during his visit to Royal Air Force station RAF Northolt, in west London yesterday before presenting his government’s Strategic Defense and Security Review (SDSR) to Parliament.—AP
Cameron ups pressure on MPs for Syria strikes vote - PM could pledge an extra £12 billion for action against IS
LONDON: British Prime Minister David Cameron, center, talks with Royal Navy personnel during his visit to Royal Air Force station RAF Northolt, in west London yesterday before presenting his government’s Strategic Defense and Security Review (SDSR) to Parliament.—APLONDON: Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday argued that the terror attacks in Paris have bolstered the case for Britain to join air strikes in Syria, as the government unveiled...
Pakistani relatives, Islamic parties activists and residents prepare for the funeral prayers for Pakistani militants killed in a drone strike in Afghnistan in Timergara in the Lower Dir district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. — AFP
Pakistani militants killed in drone strike buried
Pakistani relatives, Islamic parties activists and residents prepare for the funeral prayers for Pakistani militants killed in a drone strike in Afghnistan in Timergara in the Lower Dir district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. — AFPPESHAWAR: Thousands have attended the weekend funerals of 21 Pakistani militants killed in a drone strike in Afghanistan, local officials and residents said, with one official putting the total death toll around 50....
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Pakistani jailed for Facebook 'hate speech'
LAHORE: A Pakistani anti-terrorism court has jailed a Shiite Muslim for 13 years after he posted what it deemed sectarian hate speech on Facebook, officials said yesterday, with rights activists condemning the ruling as "extremely concerning". Saqlain Haidar, 32, who ran a small hotel in Chiniot district south of Islamabad, was also fined 250,000 rupees ($2,300) for "posting hateful material against companions of the Prophet of Islam on...
DHAKA: Bangladeshi policemen guard, as activists who have been campaigning for capital punishment for war criminals march in a rally, behind, to protest against a nationwide strike called by the main Islamist party, Jamaat-e-Islami in Dhaka yesterday. — AP
Dhaka asks Islamabad not to interfere in internal affairs - Pakistan's criticism of executions ignite anger
DHAKA: Bangladeshi policemen guard, as activists who have been campaigning for capital punishment for war criminals march in a rally, behind, to protest against a nationwide strike called by the main Islamist party, Jamaat-e-Islami in Dhaka yesterday. — APNEW DELHI: Bangladesh accused Pakistan yesterday of interfering in its internal affairs by criticizing the execution of two opposition leaders for alleged war crimes during the country's 1971...
TOKYO: A shrine worker puts up an umbrella as he walks past the police officers after an explosion was reported at the shrine’s restroom at Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo yesterday. —AP
Explosion hits controversial Tokyo war shrine, no injuries
TOKYO: A shrine worker puts up an umbrella as he walks past the police officers after an explosion was reported at the shrine’s restroom at Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo yesterday. —APTOKYO: A suspected explosive device damaged a bathroom at Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine yesterday, but no one at the controversial war memorial was hurt, officials and news reports said.Police received reports of a loud bang and smoke rising near the public bathroom...
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At least 12 men on boys on Australian terror watch-list - PM convenes national security meeting
SYDNEY: Australian officials said yesterday they were aware of 12 men or boys in the community who they believe could commit an act of terror, as Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull convened a national security meeting.Canberra has become increasingly concerned about the prospect of lone-wolf attacks by individuals inspired by groups such as Islamic State, and a tightening of counter-terrorism laws is underway.Six attacks in Australia have been...