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Passengers who were stranded in Chennai due to the floods and rescued in an Indian Air Force C-17 aircraft walk after the same landed at the Begumpet Air Force Station, in Hyderabad, India, Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015. The heaviest rainfall in more than 100 years has devastated swathes of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, with thousands forced to leave their submerged homes and schools, offices and a regional airport shut for a second day Thursday. (AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.)
South India rains ease but poor urban planning feeds misery
Passengers who were stranded in Chennai due to the floods and rescued in an Indian Air Force C-17 aircraft walk after the same landed at the Begumpet Air Force Station, in Hyderabad, India, Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015. The heaviest rainfall in more than 100 years has devastated swathes of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, with thousands forced to leave their submerged homes and schools, offices and a regional airport shut for a second day...
Saudi Arabia's minister of Oil and Mineral Resources Ali al-Naimi (bottom R) is surrounded by journalists as he attend the 168th Ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC at the OPEC headquarters in Vienna, on December 4, 2015. OPEC oil ministers hold their biannual policy-setting meeting amid a supply glut and slumping crude prices, as member Iran readies to rejoin the global oil market. nAFP PHOTO / JOE KLAMAR
OPEC sticks to output policies as glut grows - Cartel to raise collective output ceiling to 31.5 million bpd
Saudi Arabia's minister of Oil and Mineral Resources Ali al-Naimi (bottom R) is surrounded by journalists as he attend the 168th Ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC at the OPEC headquarters in Vienna, on December 4, 2015. OPEC oil ministers hold their biannual policy-setting meeting amid a supply glut and slumping crude prices, as member Iran readies to rejoin the global oil market.AFP...
This aerial photo taken Oct. 29, 2015 shows U.S. Marine Air Station Futenma in Ginowan, Okinawa, southern Japan. The U.S. and Japan said Friday, Dec. 4, 2015 they are hastening the return of some land the American military holds in Okinawa, seeking to soothe local resentment over the issue on the southern Japanese island. U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga announced a plan to return two sites, including the east side of the Air Station Futenma, the green-covered land adjacent to the residential area seen top right, totaling 7 hectares (17 acres) now controlled by U.S. bases to local authorities by the fiscal year that ends in March 2018. (Kazuhiko Yamashita/Kyodo News via AP Photo) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT
Japan, US vow to push Okinawa base relocation - 'Our alliance strengthened through steady implementation'
This aerial photo taken Oct. 29, 2015 shows U.S. Marine Air Station Futenma in Ginowan, Okinawa, southern Japan. The U.S. and Japan said Friday, Dec. 4, 2015 they are hastening the return of some land the American military holds in Okinawa, seeking to soothe local resentment over the issue on the southern Japanese island. U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga announced a plan to return two sites,...
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Kuwait future is safe, bright: Amir
I stopped by mother's house before going to meet HH the Amir at Bayan palace, because one of my sisters who was a strong opponent to the rise of domestic help costs was there. My mother commented on her saying that the "Kuwaiti house has three to four domestic helpers, but families eat outside, and their children eat delivery, while the subsidized food is eaten by the domestic helpers, then they do not work and complain about the high cost of...
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Expats without driving licenses
An interior ministry decision to deport expats from Kuwait will apply to all those who are caught driving without a license and also against expats who change their professions to job categories that are not permitted to obtain a driving license. Expats falling into this category will be deported if caught, regardless of the validity of the license. I do not understand the connection between a person who has a driving license and his work...
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Campus fashion show stirs controversy
KUWAIT: MP Dr Mansour Al-Dhafiri asked Education and Higher Education Minister Dr Bader Al-Essa to form an investigation committee to look into reported violations at the Basic Education College. Unconfirmed reports indicate that female students were involved in a 'fashion show' attended by male faculty and that they received extra credit for participation. It's unclear when the fashion show took place or under what circumstances. Mixed parties,...
Saad Al-Azmi
KOC surveys Kuwait Bay, Burgan field
Saad Al-Azmi KOC official spokesman.KUWAIT: Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) announced yesterday launching wide-scale exploratory surveys at Burgan field and Kuwait Bay noting they will also include some residential areas in the country. Specialized teams started transfer of equipment to the locations mentioned. They are currently stationed at some residential areas, including Abdullah Al-Mubarak district, KOC official spokesman Saad Al-Azmi said.The...
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Policeman arrested for beating expats
Kuwait : A police officer arrested for beating three expatriates denied that he also insulted him. The officer confessed to beating three Egyptian expatriates, once in Jabriya and the second at Mubarak Hospital. The policeman's confessions were made following his arrest by Hawally detectives. The three Egyptians told Jabriya police that an unknown person beat and insulted them in Jabriya in July, then he beat them again inside Mubarak...
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Company busted for forgery by customs
Kuwait: Hawally prosecutor ordered the arrest of four persons charged with storming expats residence claiming to be detectives then committing armed robbery. A security source said this order was made following a complaint from an expatriate woman from Madagascar and a man from India who told police the thieves stole seven phones and KD 600 before escaping.Phone harasser chargedHawally detectives sent a 24 year old Kuwaiti man to the prosecution...
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Municipal employee arrested in bribe probe
KUWAIT: Public funds detectives arrested a municipality employee who received a KD10,000 bribe he shared with a mandoob in exchange for issuing a specifications certificate, and it was discovered that they processed a similar transaction before that concerns a residential complex. Both were preparing for many other transactions.Acting Director of Criminal Detectives Brigadier Mohammad Al-Sharhan learned about the municipality employee's...
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Pearl diving and Kuwait
KUWAIT: Hundreds of Kuwaiti youth reenact pearl diving through an annual heritage where they go to sea, live on traditional dhows and dive for pearls like their ancestors before them. — Photos by Yasser Al ZayyatKUWAIT: The relationship between Kuwait and pearl diving is intertwined and connected with generations of Kuwaitis carrying on the legacy left by the forefathers of the countries. Pearl diving, in the old days, was the main source of...
Dr. Arafat AlShuaibi
Research focuses on dust pollutants
Dr. Arafat AlShuaibiKUWAIT: A seminar was presented this week by Dr. Arafat Al-Shuaibi at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kuwait University, summarizing his research from 2008 to 2015.AlShuaibi presented six papers with contributions from Professors Fikry I. Khalaf, Michael J. Duane, Dr. Huda Mahmoud, Jassim Al-Awadhi and Dr. Abdullah Al-Zamel. The main objectives of the seminar were to elaborate on the...