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Department authorized to transfer work permits under seven conditions
KUWAIT: In a bid to do both employers and workers justice, acting director of the Public Authority for Manpower Ahmad Al-Moussa authorized the authority's labor relations department and its units to accept or reject work permit transfer applications.According to the decision, the department and all labor units will allow transfers in seven cases including proving that employers had violated law 6/2010, banning employees from travelling, if the...
Attorney Fajer Ahmed
Protecting your intellectual property
With technology within hands reach, a majority of us now have Instagram accounts, Wordpress blogs, Snapchat and other platforms that have made us "publishers" in a sense. Online platforms have also made it easier for us to market our business ideas. Before technology, publishing your work was something only a few fortunate people had the opportunity or the means to do but now you could easily publish a short story, showcase your photography and...
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Procedures threaten to halt installment loans for expats
KUWAIT: Supervisory instructions to the banking sector led to banks ceasing to grant expats installment loans up to KD 70,000, limiting their financial transactions to car loans and some consumer needs, although there are no specific supervisory instructions in this regard. Instructions by the Central Bank set the maximum limit of consumer loans at 15 times the salary, but should not exceed KD 15,000, and the total installments should not exceed...
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Security campaigns non-discriminatory, target lawbreakers: Interior Ministry
KUWAIT: Security campaigns conducted by the Ministry of Interior (MoI) are non-discriminatory and are aimed to target those wanted for violations of state laws, irrespective of nationality, the MoI said in a press statement released yesterday. All expatriates are subject to the same law, one that is designed to uphold peace and security, the statement added.The country's security apparatus will not in any way, shape or form undermine the liberty...
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340 nurseries sue government; Union’s school fee request rejected
KUWAIT: Following the Cabinet's decision to transfer supervision of private nurseries from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MSAL) to the Ministry of Education (MoE), a number of private nursery owners vowed to file lawsuits against the Cabinet as they deemed the decision as being against nurseries and their employees' interests.The owners of 340 private nurseries added that they would go to court to suspend the Cabinet's decision until a...
WASHINGTON: Gulf War veterans Scott Stump, Kent Shively and Cee Freeman. —KUNA
We would do it again in a heartbeat: US Gulf war vets
WASHINGTON: Gulf War veterans Scott Stump, Kent Shively and Cee Freeman. —KUNAWASHINGTON: Several US Gulf War Veterans expressed their honor to take part in the liberation of Kuwait, reiterating that they would do it again 'in a heartbeat.' Exactly twenty-five years ago today, the United States Army, backed by an international coalition of 34 countries, began the Desert Storm mission, an operation that lasted 41 days, resulting in the...
Hashim Hashim
Interview with Kuwait Oil Company CEO Hashim Hashim
Hashim HashimKUWAIT: The following are scripts from an interview conducted with Kuwait Oil Company CEO Hashim Hashim, which was published by Al-Rai yesterday:Question: What are the operational and capital budgets of Kuwait Oil Company for 2016-2017?Hashim: We would like to explain that the operational and capital budgets are still under approval. The operational budget for KOC in 2016/2017 is estimated at KD 1.68 million, and the budget was...
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New forgery case: man receives Kuwaiti citizenship twice
KUWAIT: It may no longer be strange for someone to get Kuwaiti nationality in exchange of money to become a citizen with all advantages after being without a "nationality," or become a Kuwaiti with the power of money and add this to another to use the advantages of the first one, that is be a dual citizen.Yet to become a Kuwaiti twice with two different names and two identical pictures with a beard as the only difference is a different issue and...
People arrested yesterday for gambling.
Seventeen expats arrested for gambling
People arrested yesterday for gambling.KUWAIT: Residency affairs detectives arrested 17 expatriates while gambling and betting. Detectives received information about several expats engaged in this criminal act, so the place was put under surveillance and after making sure about their activities, a team was formed to arrest them. The 17 were arrested with cash, money transfers, account records and gambling cards. All 17 confessed to the charges,...
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The Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Recent criticism by the US government of Israel's plans to expand a Jewish settlement in the West Bank on grounds that this would jeopardize the two-state solution to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as considering continuous settlement expansion, raise much skepticism about Israel's long terms plans and is something that really threatens UN resolutions in this regard. It also raises a great deal of skepticism about solving one of...
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A Second Wife?!
The moment you ask a group of young people, assuming I am still one of them, about their opinion of taking a second wife and the replies will race to you as they are in a 100-meter race where everyone is keen on winning. They all roll up their sleeves to take part in this 'interesting' discussion. I wonder what makes this particular question very appealing to every man and provocative to women! One of the guys said that his wife does not...
Hassan Rouhani and Barack Obama
Rouhani, Obama hail nuke deal as sanctions lifted - US slaps new missile sanctions after prisoners leave Iran
Hassan Rouhani and Barack ObamaTEHRAN: The US and Iranian presidents yesterday hailed the implementation of Tehran's nuclear deal as historic, but new American sanctions threatened fresh tensions. The UN's atomic watchdog confirmed in Vienna late on Saturday that Iran had complied with its obligations under last summer's accord, leading the United States and the European Union to lift sanctions.Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, a moderate whose...