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Dr Hamed Al-Mutairi
Kuwait island inhabitants used to install marks to guide ships
Dr Hamed Al-Mutairi The head of archeology at the National Council for Culture, Arts and LettersKUWAIT: Inhabitants of the Kuwaiti island of Meskan used to install marks to guide ships' captains to evade surrounding rocky spots. The island, populated during various periods of Kuwait history, is situated three kilometers from the larger Failaka Island and 15 kms (eight nautical miles) from shores of the mainland. It is largely sandy of 1.206 kms...
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Cabinet rejects prosecutions in the sovereign fund probe
KUWAIT: The Cabinet has rejected recommendations by members of parliament to prosecute officials of its sovereign wealth fund for allegedly violating regulations in managing the country’s oil wealth, Finance Minister Anas Al-Saleh said on Wednesday evening.“I assert my confidence in those in charge of the Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA) until proven otherwise,” Saleh told reporters after a closed meeting of parliament to discuss an...
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Mahboula raid nets 1023 violators
KUWAIT: A police security campaign led by Interior Ministry Undersecretary Suleiman Al-Fahadad and other top officials resulted in the arrest of 1023 violators in Mahboula area.Relations and Security Information Department said the arrested persons were sent to concerned authorities, as their violations varied between entering the country illegally, absconding, residency law violation, loose labor, drugs and other civil cases.The authorities...
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Stepfather beats daughter over late night phone calls
KUWAIT: A female minor went to the Fintas police station to file a complaint against her stepfather for beating her and taking her mobile away. When he was questioned by the police regarding his actions, the stepfather complained that the young woman was ‘naive’, spending late nights on her mobile and that he took the phone away to protect her from harm.Swindler accusedA citizen in her 40s accused a Saudi national of swindling her out of KD...
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Kuwaiti businessman kidnapped in Iraq - ‘$1 million ransom requested
KUWAIT: Local businessman Khaled Abdulrazzaq Al Sarhan was reportedly kidnapped in Iraq while on a business trip. The 53-year-old Kuwaiti reportedly traveled from Kuwait two weeks ago to Nassiriyah in Iraq where he intended to buy sheep. Brother Abdulatif told Al-Rai newspaper that Al Sarhan was due to return a week ago Wednesday but delayed due to the business.Then on Sunday, the man’s wife received a phone call from someone with an Iraqi...
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Ignorantly committing e-crimes
Kuwait’s new eMedia law sets forth a slate of regulations controlling the online activities of journalists, writers and activists. Though far reaching when it comes to control issues of free speech, it fails to recognize a growing body of online crimes committed via social media, websites and blogs in Kuwait.It needs only a glance through the many online classified websites in Kuwait to see people engaged in promoting illicit activities...
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Accumulated Errors
Muna Al Fuzai Despite government assurances to keep electricity and water rates affordable, the Minister of Finance confirmed this week an approved plan to raise all the rates. The Cabinet’s approval to raise electricity and water prices has garnered a lot of disapproval from the public. This decision is now a matter of concern by all due to the large increase in rates and it will be implemented on everyone - Kuwaitis and expats. Now as far...
Dogs and their owners during a recent training exhibition organized by the Kuwait K9 Association. — Photos by Joseph Shagra
A chat with the founder of the Kuwait K9 Association - Exclusive Interview
Dogs and their owners during a recent training exhibition organized by the Kuwait K9 Association. — Photos by Joseph ShagraThe Kuwait K9 association trains dogs and provides information to owners on how to care for their animals. K9 is a numeronym that stands for "canine", usually in reference to domesticated dogs. The term is most often used to describe working dogs, especially law enforcement and military dogs, in keeping with the military's...
Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat
Stealing shade
Photo by Yasser Al-ZayyatIn the searing heat of Kuwait, trees provide the best shade for people, animals and even vehicles from the direct rays of the sun. But just as Kuwait’s spring turns to summer, trees across the country are being drastically pruned or even cut back, which seems strange given the desperate need for shade.The beautification department of the Public Authority for Agricultural Affairs and Fish Resources (PAAAFR) is in charge...
BRUSSELS: Police block the street outside the council chamber in Brussels, where two terrorism cases will be held behind closed doors. —AFP
Paris suspect Abdeslam 'wants to cooperate' - Belgium police carry out raid linked to terror plot
BRUSSELS: Police block the street outside the council chamber in Brussels, where two terrorism cases will be held behind closed doors. —AFPCOURTRAI: Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam wants to cooperate with French authorities once he is extradited from Belgium, his lawyer said yesterday, as Belgian police carried out a raid linked to a foiled French terror plot.Soldiers and police combed through a wooded area by a busy motorway near...
APPLETON: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump looks to supporters as he leaves a campaign stop on Wednesday. —AP
Under fire on abortion policy Trump fights to court women - 'Every issue is a women's issue.'
APPLETON: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump looks to supporters as he leaves a campaign stop on Wednesday. —APMADISON: Donald Trump is fighting to convince a skeptical Republican Party he can improve his standing among women, even as he takes back an explosive comment about abortion and attacks the credibility of a female reporter police say was illegally grabbed by the GOP front-runner's campaign manager.It took Trump's campaign...
ISLAMABAD: Pakistani supporters of convicted murderer Mumtaz Qadri shout slogans during an anti-government protest in front of the parliament building yesterday. — AFP
Lawyer risks everything to save Pakistan’s blasphemy accused - The danger is real
ISLAMABAD: Pakistani supporters of convicted murderer Mumtaz Qadri shout slogans during an anti-government protest in front of the parliament building yesterday. — AFPLAHORE: As Islamist protesters turned up the pressure on the Pakistani government this week to hang Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five convicted of blasphemy, one man is risking his own life to stand between her and the gallows.Police guard the house in a quiet neighborhood in...