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From ‘magical’ to ‘rip it out’: Different brain implant experiences
Ian Burkhart looked down at his hand and imagined closing it. To his amazement, it closed. That moment, back in 2014, was the first time in history that a paralysed person had regained the ability to move their arm using just their thoughts—with a little help from a device implanted in their brain. “That was the magical moment that proved that this is possible, this isn’t just science fiction,” Burkhart said. He had volunteered to be part...
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ALS patient pioneering brain-computer connection
As a rare form of Lou Gehrig’s disease paralyses his body, Rodney Gorham hopes a pioneering link between his brain and a computer will help others after he is gone. The 63-year-old Australian shared his thoughts by using his eyes to pinpoint letters on a screen and “clicking” on words with his mind. Thanks to an eight-millimeter stent implanted in his brain to detect neural activity, Gorham hopes to continue going online, sending messages...
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Kenya’s young Maasai reconnect with their culture at Eunoto ceremony
With beaming smiles, their hair dyed a red ochre and adorned with a ceremonial headdress of ostrich feathers, the young Maasai men are busy taking selfies. They have just completed the first day of Eunoto, a traditional ritual marking the transition from young warrior to adulthood. “Today we are becoming men,” 22-year-old medical student Hillary Odupoy says proudly, wearing sunglasses and a string of pearls across his bare chest.Aged between...
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Making dough: Unlikely Harlem bagel shop thinks big
Andrew Martinez was not born into a New York bagel empire and didn’t start baking the Big Apple’s quintessential ring of doughy goodness until he was in his 40s. Yet the Queens-born Martinez, his wife Ashley Dikos and their growing business, Bo’s Bagels, are regularly mentioned among the top producers of the ring-shaped bread products, a breakfast and lunch staple. For Martinez, his ascent into the bagel elite is a happy accident....
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Russia’s Luna-25 probe crashes on the Moon
MOSCOW: The Luna-25 probe, Russia’s first Moon mission in almost 50 years, has crashed on the Moon after an incident during pre-landing maneuvers, Russian space agency Roscosmos said on Sunday. Communication with Luna-25 was lost at 2:57 pm (1157 GMT) on Saturday, Roscosmos said. According to preliminary findings, the lander “has ceased to exist following a collision with the Moon’s surface”. “Measures taken on August 19 and 20 to...
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Race to link brains to computers is hotting up
SAN FRANCISCO: Brain implants have long been trapped in the realm of science fiction, but a steady trickle of medical trials suggests the tiny devices could play a big part in humanity’s future. Billions of dollars are flowing into a clutch of specialist companies hunting for treatments for some of the most debilitating ailments. And pioneering studies have already yielded results. In May, a Dutchman paralyzed in a motorcycle accident regained...
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Speeding, disabled parking fines cannot be paid at airport, online
By B IzzakKUWAIT: The traffic department warned expats on Sunday that tickets for speeding and using parking spots allocated for the handicapped must be paid in person at traffic department offices and cannot be paid online or by any other method. The announcement came as the traffic department began on Saturday applying a new rule requiring expats leaving the country to settle all traffic fines either online or at traffic department offices at...
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Illegal logging turns Syria’s forests barren
KUWAIT: On a riverbank in war-ravaged Syria’s north, felling has reduced what was once a lush forest to dispersed trees and decimated trunks poking out from dry, crumbly soil. Twelve years of conflict that led to a spike in illegal logging, along with the effects of climate change and other factors, have eroded Syria’s greenery. The dwindling forest on the shores of the Euphrates river “is shrinking every year”, said Ahmed al-Sheikh, 40,...
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WHO commends Kuwait’s children hospital
KUWAIT: A World Health Organization official has commended medical services provided by the National Bank of Kuwait Specialized Hospital for Children and the qualified cadres who work with it. Dr Hanan H Balkhy, WHO’s first Assistant Director of Antimicrobial Resistance, made the statement on Sunday after visiting the hospital. Sondos Al-Sherida Dr Hanan H BalkhyShe lauded performance of the national medical cadres namely treatment,...
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Al-Dukhan: Kuwait Airways reduces losses to 50% in ‘22
KUWAIT: Kuwait Airways Chairman Captain Ali Al-Dukhan announced on Sunday that Kuwait Airways reduced its losses to 50 percent from KD 107 million ($347 million) to KD 55 million ($178.4 million) in 2022. “Kuwait Airways has achieved positive results which were better than what was expected in 2022 as total passenger revenues reached KD 289.1 million, showing an increase of 11 percent.The number of passengers reached 3.5 million, which is an...
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Suicide prevention: Fostering hope and healing
By Ahmed SabeehKUWAIT: Suicide has become an increasing health concern in the mental health field and mental health officials are trying to tackle it by providing suicide hotlines 24/7. Kuwait Times spoke with Counselor Ali Taresh to break the silence by highlighting the crucial importance of suicide prevention while igniting sparks of hope and healing for those trapped in suicidal thoughts.Taresh said suicide is a complex and deeply concerning...
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Fire erupts in Egaila health institute
KUWAIT: The Public Relations and Media Department of the Kuwait Fire Force announced that a report was received at the Central Operations Department on Sunday stating that a fire broke out in a commercial complex in the Egaila area.The administration explained that the Central Operations directed fire brigades from the centers of Mangaf and Al-Bayraq to the site of the fire. “Upon the arrival of the teams, it was found that the fire was in a...