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Parliamentary life in a democratic system
Parliamentary life in democratic systems is governed by rules and conditions, with one of the most crucial being the ability of the people to choose their leaders for a set period. In some developing countries, including Kuwait, the journey toward full democratic functioning is ongoing. While Kuwait’s parliamentary experience is over 50 years old, it still encounters occasional stumbling blocks due to various reasons.Recently, Kuwait held...
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Mohammad Al-Sharekh: Lover of Arabic language
Our Arabic language is a queen crowned over all languages. If Arabs were not weak and divided — and some even hostile to the language - Arabic speakers would be found everywhere and in all arenas, proud of its pronunciation and the beauty of its meanings. Like any crowned queen, Arabic has keepers who guarantee her noble, prestigious life and guards to keep her out of harm’s way. Throughout history, these keepers have worked hard to preserve...
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Water conservation a matter of necessity
KUWAIT: Kuwait is located in an arid region with hot desert climate, with one of the least water resource access regions around the world. With the advent of water desalination projects, Kuwait now has one of the most available water resources per capita in the world, but it is also among the highest water consumers per capita in the world.On March 22, Minister of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy and Minister of State for Housing Affairs...
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Ramdan and politics
Parliamentary elections during Ramadan often bring about a familiar scene: Gossip, lies, fraud and possibly bribery, whether overt or concealed. This unfortunate reality underscores the nature of political battles, where narratives are often embellished with exaggerations and falsehoods about opponents rather than focusing on achievements.Throughout history, politics worldwide has been built on deception. In the past, German politicians during...
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Our youth are perishable cells
Biologists, scientists who study biology with a particular interest in cytology, assert that living cells are more sensitive while in the growing stage, whereas mature cells are harder to damage. As a specialist in radiology treating cancer cells, I can attest to the validity and accuracy of this information. Therapeutic radiation doesn’t kill mature cells; instead, it halts the growth of cells in the growing stage, which are the young cells...
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Are you looking for change?
Each year, during the month of Ramadan, many people attempt to benefit from this distinguished period to seek positive changes in their lives. However, it is likely that many will fail in improving their lives, as those who seek change only during special occasions often face challenges. A few years ago, I attended a course about the kaizen method in management. Kaizen is a Japanese approach to change and development that emerged following...
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Communication is the right way
During his 1946 visit to the United States, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill lost a significant amount of money playing poker with US President Harry Truman and his advisors. Churchill later humorously remarked that this loss was the best investment of his life. The underlying meaning of this statement was clear – he willingly lost the poker game to appease the American president and his advisors, preserving the crucial support and...
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The spirit of liberation
Kuwaitis were heartbroken over the betrayal and the barbaric invasion. Kuwaitis returned fire and fought bravely. During the 1990’s, patriotic feelings were very deep. There were reforms and less corruption because Kuwait was rebuilt by energetic youths and men who wanted change. All the efforts were channeled towards responding to the enemies, punishing them for their atrocities, and building a better and stronger nation.As the years went by,...
Dr Khalid Al-Saleh
Gulf Week, a step forward
Awareness of different cancer types is crucial in the fight against cancer, and a comprehensive national plan is essential due to its significance in saving lives. Scientific studies emphasize the importance of health awareness, especially regarding various cancer types. This awareness encompasses understanding both the risk factors and the initial symptoms of the disease, as well as being aware of health programs that facilitate early detection...
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A message to the finance ministry
Hope is renewed every day in Kuwait for a fresh start in overcoming the obstacles that have hindered the country’s development for a considerable period. Despite these challenges, Kuwait takes pride in its unique achievements and innovations, with a prominent role played by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or public benefit associations in civil society. These entities actively contribute to fostering hope and raising community awareness,...
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Gaza bloodshed creates hope!
Extremism is a deadly industry, and modern history bears witness to the Zionist entity’s acts of terrorism and violence against innocent civilians. This war machine is led by cruel, hard-hearted individuals devoid of empathy who wore out their welcome in the West, prompting their relocation to our homeland. The West persists in fostering this lethal fanaticism within our borders.Leaders of the Zionist entity actively sow discord, displaying a...
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New year, new beginnings
A year has passed, or perhaps a new opportunity has emerged? Just a day ago, the world welcomed a new year according to the Gregorian calendar, universally adopted by most countries. Termed Anno Domini, its years commence with the birth of Christ (PBUH). This calendar was crafted by the young Armenian Monk Dionysius Exiguus, who passed away in 544 AD in the Byzantine Empire. The tradition of celebrating the New Year is ancient, dating back 4,000...