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The US Department of State
US approves $180 million anti-tank weapons sale to Taiwan
Washington: The US State Department approved on Wednesday the $180 million sale of vehicle-launched anti-tank systems to Taiwan, the Pentagon said, the latest weapons deal between the self-governed island and its main ally.Taiwan would receive Volcano anti-tank munition-laying systems, cargo trucks, ammunition, logistics support packages and a myriad of other related services under the deal, according to a Pentagon statement."This proposed sale...
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Creator of French children's series 'Chapi Chapo' dies at 96
Paris: Italo Bettiol, the creator of "Chapi Chapo", a stop-motion animated series popular in the 1970s, died Wednesday at the age of 96 at his home in southern France, a family friend said.The Italian-born director "died peacefully", according to Eric Valin, a collaborator and friend of the family quoted in a statement released by Magic, the company that represents the rights to "Chapi Chapo".The main characters were a girl in red named Chapi and...
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Turkey, Syria, Russia defence ministers meet in Moscow, first talks since 2011
Moscow: The defence ministers of Russia, Turkey and Syria met in Moscow on Wednesday, the first such talks since a war broke out in Syria in 2011, the Russian defence ministry said."Ways to resolve the Syrian crisis, the problem of refugees, and joint efforts to combat extremist groups in Syria have been discussed," the defence ministry in Moscow said in a statement.
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2022 is UK's warmest year on record: provisional Met Office figures
London: This year is set to be the UK's warmest on record, according to provisional figures released by the Met Office on Wednesday.It had the "highest annual average temperature across the UK, exceeding the previous record set in 2014 when the average was 9.88 degrees Celsius (49.78 degrees Fahrenheit)", the Met said in a statement.The figure for 2022 would be announced later.Since 1884, each of the ten years recording the highest annual...
Former Pontiff Benedict XVI
Pope says ex-pontiff Benedict 'very ill'
Vatican City: Pope Francis said Wednesday that former pontiff Benedict XVI, 95, is "very ill", and urged people to pray for him before going to be by his side.Benedict, who in 2013 became the first pontiff to resign in six centuries, has been in increasingly frail health."I would like to ask all of you to pray a special prayer for Pope Emeritus Benedict," Francis said at the end of his general audience at the Vatican."Remember him, because he is...
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China approves first foreign video games since crackdown
Beijing: Chinese regulators approved 44 new foreign video game titles Wednesday, the first to be allowed to hit the market since an industry crackdown to rein in minors' gaming habits swept the sector last year.Beijing moved against the country's vibrant gaming sector last August as part of a sprawling crackdown on big tech companies, including a cap on the amount of time children could spend playing games.Officials also froze approvals of new...
Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina (L) attends an inauguration ceremony of the metro rail service in Dhaka on December 28, 2022.
Bangladesh opens first metro line in traffic-choked capital
DHAKA: Bangladesh's sprawling capital inaugurated its first ever metro rail line on Wednesday as authorities work to ease congestion that has throttled growth and inflamed tempers in the gridlocked metropolis.Dhaka is one of the world's most densely populated cities, and daily commutes along its car-clogged roads are a source of constant frustration for its 22 million people.Local researchers say the capital's economy loses upwards of $3 billion...
His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah
Kuwait Amir receives cable of thanks for local charity support
Kuwait: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received a cable on Tuesday from the chief of the Kuwait-based International Islamic Charity Organization (IICO), thanking him for his continued support for the charity.His Highness the Amir has always given his backing to IICO's humanitarian endeavors, which in turn, helps meet the needs of the most impoverished people around the world, Dr. Abdullah Al-Matouq said in his...
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MoI urges motorists to be cautious amid turbulent weather
Kuwait: The Ministry of Interior Tuesday urged motorists and sea-goers to be cautious amid the current turbulent weather across the country.In a press release, the ministry urged drivers to follow security authorities' guidelines for using alternative routes and avoiding roads swamped with puddles, calling on motorists to stay fairly apart from the vehicle in front.It reminded parents to keep children on the back seat.The ministry is reachable...
Zain HQ building
Empowering digital innovation and shouldering Kuwaiti sports: Zain’s top contributions in 2022
Kuwait: The year 2022 shaped up to be a turning point for Kuwait and the entire world, as most governments and nations started to loosen restrictions on social gathering and lift lockdowns. With normal life returning to its natural course, Zain sought to make a strong comeback by supporting and adopting a wide range of initiatives and projects within the community’s most vibrant sectors.Zain’s social efforts and contributions have always...
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Flamingos dot Kuwait beaches during spring migration
Kuwait: Flocks of flamingos are spotted these days dotting Kuwait Bay beaches swooping over the seawaters amid the moderate weather.Photographers of Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences and the Environmental Lens Team, under supervision of the Environment Public Authority, have been taking shots of the attractive birds with various kinds of cameras including ones attached to drones.KFAS is involved in the activity as part of "Kuwait...
TEHRAN: Iranian demonstrators burn a rubbish bin in the capital on Sept 21, 2022 during a protest for Mahsa Amini, days after she died in police custody. - AFP
Iran slams Britain after protest 'network' arrested
Tehran: Iran on Monday blasted Britain's "non-constructive role" a day after the Islamic republic announced the arrest of a UK-linked "network" involved in the three-month protests sparked by Mahsa Amini's death.Protests have gripped Iran since the September 16 death of Iranian-Kurdish Amini, 22, after her arrest in Tehran for an alleged breach of the country's strict dress code for women.Tehran generally calls the protests "riots" and accuses...