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Sudan security forces kill two anti-coup protesters
KHARTOUM: Sudanese security forces killed two protesters Sunday in Omdurman, twin city of the capital Khartoum, medics said, as thousands rallied against the military. The pro-democracy Doctors’ Committee said one of the protesters was shot in the chest while the second suffered a “severe head wound”.Sunday’s deaths bring the total number of protesters killed in a violent crackdown since a military takeover in October to 56, while...
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Ronaldo statue kicks up a fuss in India's Goa
A statue of Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has caused a stir in the southern Indian state of Goa, with locals accusing officials of insensitivity for honoring a sports star from the region's former colonial power. Protesters with black flags gathered at the site after the statue was unveiled this week in the town of Calangute. They expressed anger that authorities had shunned Indian sports stars and chosen a player from Portugal, which...
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Bombardments, glamour and gangsters mark history of Cuba's Hotel Nacional
In its 91 years, Havana's majestic Hotel Nacional has borne witness to some of the biggest events of Cuban history. It was once bombed as part of a conflict between rival units of Cuba's military, hosted a summit of mafia dons, was a key site of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and a holiday jaunt for Hollywood's most eccentric figures.Yet for 20 months ending in mid-November, this building that mixes Art Deco and neoclassical elements along with...
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Jaguar released in Argentina to help endangered species
A jaguar named Jatobazinho was released into a national park in Argentina Friday as part of a program to boost the numbers of this endangered species. This was the eighth jaguar freed this year into Ibera National Park but the first adult male, said the environmental group Rewilding Argentina, which is behind the project.Jatobazinho weighs about 90 kilos (200 pounds) and has brown fur peppered with black spots. He first appeared at a rural school...
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The long decline: Mass migration batters Balkans
Abandoned shops and mostly empty streets offer few signs of life in North Macedonia's Valandovo, where young people are fleeing in large numbers hoping to find a better life abroad. Like much of this impoverished corner of southeastern Europe, this tiny Balkan nation is sitting on a demographic time bomb fuelled by an ageing population, sinking birth rate and mass migration. North Macedonia has shed 10 percent of its population in the last 20...
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Haiti's traditional joumou soup: A tasty reminder of freedom
A mix of meat, vegetables, pasta and the squash for which it is named, Haitians enjoy joumou soup every January 1 to celebrate the new year and their country's independence. Before it became a symbol of Haiti's freedom, the soup was one of oppression. The enslaved Haitians who grew the 'giraumon' or turban squash, the key ingredient, were forbidden from eating the dish. It was reserved solely for the French plantation masters.But on January 1,...
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'Incredible': Trump supporters recall Capitol siege
WASHINGTON: They descended upon Washington in the thousands, gathering to protest the result of a presidential election they still claim was "rigged". The US Capitol came under attack, leaving the country wounded. One year after January 6, 2021, three participants recall the events of a day that shocked the world.'Euphoria'"January 6 was incredible," says Samson Racioppi, a 40-year-old Republican Party stalwart who rented several buses to drive...
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Tutu's ashes buried in Cape Town cathedral
CAPE TOWN: South Africa's spiritual father Archbishop Desmond Tutu, hero of the anti-apartheid struggle, was laid to rest at dawn yesterday in the Cape Town cathedral where he once preached against the brutal white-minority regime. Nobel Peace Prize winner Tutu died a week ago, aged 90, after a life spent fighting injustice. His ashes were "interred at St George's Cathedral in a private family service early today", an Anglican Church statement...
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France removes EU flag from Arc de Triomphe
PARIS: French authorities took down a temporary installation of the European Union flag from the Arc de Triomphe monument in Paris yesterday, after rightwing opponents of President Emmanuel Macron accused him of "erasing" French identity. The giant blue flag was raised in place of a French flag on New Year's Eve to mark France's turn at the rotating presidency of the EU Council, which it will hold for the next six months.The arch, a monument to...
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Huge fire brings down roof at South Africa parliament
CAPE TOWN: A massive fire in South Africa's houses of parliament in Cape Town caused the roof of the old National Assembly building to collapse yesterday as the blaze continued to rage after eight hours. No casualties have been reported in the fire, which has also spread to the wing housing the current National Assembly, where parliament sits. "The roof of the Old Assembly building has collapsed and is gone," Jean-Pierre Smith, Cape Town's...
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China: 'Positive' signs as Xi'an COVID cases ease
BEIJING: New COVID-19 cases in the locked-down Chinese city of Xi'an fell to their lowest in a week, health officials said yesterday, as residents face their eleventh day under strict home confinement. China has followed a "zero Covid" approach involving tight border restrictions and swift, targeted lockdowns since the virus first surfaced in a central city in late 2019 - but this strategy has been put under pressure in recent weeks with a number...
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Nowhere to hide: Abused Afghan women find shelter dwindling
KABUL: Married off at seven to a man old enough to be her great-grandfather, Fatema endured rapes, beatings and starvation until she could take no more and tried to kill herself. Through tears she recalls the beatings she received — like the time, aged 10, she was flung against a wall and “my head crashed against a nail... I almost died”.Today the 22-year-old is living in one of the few shelters for battered women still open in Afghanistan...