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Kuwait's Amir heads to Italy on private visit
KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah headed on Thursday to Italy on a private visit. His Highness the Amir was seen off at the airport by His Highness the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Speaker of the National Assembly Marzouq Al-Ghanem, His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and...
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Kuwait strongly condemns Palestinian journalist's assassination
Kuwait strongly condemns the Zionist forces' assassination of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh near the Jenin refugee camp. This crime, which the Zionist entity's occupying authorities bear full responsibility for, is a blatant violation of international law, a flagrant attack on the freedom of the press, and a new evidence of the heinous assaults committed by the occupiers against Palestinians, Kuwait's Foreign Ministry said in a...
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Egypt's ancient 'zar' ritual puts exorcism on stage
A stage, lights, a mesmerised audience: it looks like an Egyptian folkloric concert but Umm Sameh is singing to heal the sick by driving out the demons that possess them. The music and dance ritual known as "zar", with centuries-old roots in Ethiopia and Sudan, is traditionally performed to ward off or exorcise jinn or evil spirits."We're not quacks or witches," said Umm Sameh, aged in her 70s, with kohl-lined eyes, large hoops swaying in her...
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Delhi driver grows garden on autorickshaw roof to beat the heat
Yellow and green autorickshaws are ubiquitous on New Delhi's roads but Mahendra Kumar's vehicle stands out -- it has a garden on its roof aimed at keeping passengers cool during the searing summer season.Kumar says the thick patch of green keeps the vehicle cool even when temperatures are touching 45 degrees Celsius (113 Fahrenheit) in the Indian capital, enough to melt the tar on roads.Kumar, 48, has grown over 20 varieties of shrubs, crops and...
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Nepal ganja campaign seeks return of Himalayan high times
Nepal's marijuana ban could soon be up in smoke, as lawmakers mull a return to the liberal drug policies that once made the Himalayan republic a popular pit stop on the overland "hippie trail". Half a century ago, thousands of fun-seeking backpackers from around the world made their way to Kathmandu to buy potent hash strains from government-licensed stores on "Freak Street" -- a lane named for long-haired and unkempt foreign...
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Huawei Consumer BG Enters Enterprise Market, with New Lineup of Office Products
Huawei Consumer BG will now enter the enterprise market officially, serving government and enterprise customers, as well as individual consumers. The announcement was made by Richard Yu, Huawei's Executive Director, Consumer BG CEO and Intelligent Automotive Solution BU CEO, at the Huawei Business Product Launch Event. Mr. Yu noted that Huawei would use its hardware and software ecosystems as dual pillars, to support a growing range of versatile...
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Bahraini artisans toil to preserve sugar-coated tradition
Bahrainis with a sweet tooth have long been spoiled for choice between a wide array of dessert franchises, but traditional confectioners still hold their ground, especially during Ramadan. At the back of his modest shop in the capital Manama, Mohammed Gharib stirs a thick mixture of sugar, saffron and freshly blanched almonds, transforming it into a uniquely Bahraini version of the ubiquitous Middle Eastern dessert: halva."Bahrain became famous...
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Orphaned Palestinians mourn unarmed mother shot by Zionist soldier
When Ghada Sabatien set out to visit her uncle in a village near Bethlehem, she was not expecting to be caught up in the spike in violence between Zionists and Palestinians. But the unarmed 45-year-old, who was partially sighted and understood little Hebrew, bled to death in the street after "mistakenly" being shot by a Zionist soldier. She leaves behind six orphans.The West Bank village of Husan is usually a quiet backwater, despite being close...
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The metaverse threat: 'TV will die with its audience'
TV companies will need to radically adapt themselves to the fast-evolving world of online entertainment if they hope to survive, experts have warned. Broadcasters are already playing catch-up with online gaming giants in the battle for the attention of young audiences and the advertising dollars that follow.On the horizon is the so-called "metaverse" -- a loose term covering the growing eco-system of interactive online worlds, games and 3D...
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Players with disabilities score in video game world
Carlos Vasquez is a master of video fighting game "Mortal Kombat" despite being unable to see the action on screen because he is blind. The Texas resident -- who relies on sound to time punches, kicks and dodges -- is among a chorus of voices calling for better access to gaming for people with disabilities."You have two characters across the screen fighting each other, left and right, and you just have to memorize the buttons," said Vasquez,...
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French ambassador to Kuwait sends Ramadan greetings
French ambassador to Kuwait Claire Le Flécher, sends Ramadan greetings through a message, “I would like to extend my heartfelt wishes to the people and government of Kuwait and to all Muslims around the world for a blessed and peaceful Ramadan.Ramadan is not only a time of fasting, it is also a time for reflection, thoughtful prayers and charitable activities in which Kuwaitis excel. It is also the time to be with family and friends.Ramadan...
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In a 'dangerous' land: tourists trickle back to Iraq
An American tourist poses for a holiday snap in Iraq, in front of the blue-brick Ishtar Gate that was rebuilt at the ancient site of Babylon under dictator Saddam Hussein. Most foreigners here since Saddam's ouster in a 2003 US-led invasion have worn army fatigues and carried guns -- but more recently there has been a trickle of camera-toting travel pioneers."Iraq was in my top three countries," said the visitor to Babylon, 50-year-old...