The Banker holds 'Global Private Banking Services Awards 2017'

KUWAIT: For the second time in 2017, Ahli United Bank receives a Best Private Banking Award. In October, 2017 AUB Private Banking received the award of the Best Bank for Private Banking Services in Kuwait as part of the "Global Private Banking Services Awards 2017" organized by The Banker magazine in cooperation with the Professional Wealth Management magazine. Affiliated to the Financial Times Group, both magazines grant awards for global private banking services to honor banking institutions that achieve remarkable success in implementing growth strategies, appropriate investment solutions and service levels in the area of private banking services and wealth management according to international standards.
Earlier in May 2017, AUB had won the "Best Bank for Private Banking Services and Wealth Management in Kuwait for 2017" from the prestigious The Banker Middle East magazine, for the second time, having won the prize for the first time in 2014.
Commenting on this award, Medhat Tawfik, AUB's General Manager Private Banking and Wealth Management, said: "We are proud to receive this recognition from globally-distinguished magazines such as The Banker and Professional Wealth Management magazines and our achievements to date. The prize constitutes a clear validation of our unique business model and recognition as a leading bank. I seize this opportunity to emphasize that private banking services is a field that Ahli United Bank actively seeks to develop in light of the opportunities available in wealth management and financing."
Tawfik added: "This prestigious award reflects the phase of maturity attained by our private banking services platform through which AUB succeeded in developing private banking services that stand out among local and regional competitors, thanks to its determined focus on adopting well-tried investment strategies and providing unique customer services."
He went on to say: we have achieved remarkable success over several generations of customers from wealthy Kuwaiti families through building and maintaining close and strong relations with them while keeping the concept of privacy and confidentiality.
Needless to say, none of this could have been achieved without the tremendous efforts of our team, highly dedicated, qualified & certified relationship managers with numerous years of experience resulting in a well-seasoned, diversified & competent team."