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Kuwait Times, Kuwait News staff look forward to 2024 with hope

As we usher in the New Year, Kuwait Times and Kuwait News staff express their wishes, prayers and resolutions for 2024. They may be wishful, whimsy or whacky, but we can all hope for a better future.

Abdellatif Sharaa: Peace... a word that has become a dream. I wish for sanity to be restored to humanity and let people live their lives! May Allah Almighty help us all.

Abdullah Boftain: I hope the coming year will be a peaceful and promising one for our brothers and sisters in Gaza and across Palestine, with an end to the human tragedies and catastrophes they are suffering now. At the professional level, I would like to keep the pioneering institutions of Kuwait Times and Kuwait News always on top, with more content, more interactions with the community — both expats and Kuwaitis, focusing and highlighting talents and interacting with CSR initiatives. Also, to add fresh blood to the team and use our platform for the benefit of the society and the greater good. On a personal level, I aim to climb more mountains, run more marathons and visit more countries.

Abdul Malik: Have a healthier diet.

Abdul Raheem Abdeen: Three wishes for the New Year: May God protect Kuwait, a home of safety and security. Human rights should be equal without any discrimination — resolutions of the United Nations and the Security Council should be binding on all countries to maintain international peace and security, and not according to whims. That the world will live in peace without wars or conflicts.

Ahmad Jabr: The Palestinian people’s struggle has taught us valuable lessons, among which is to appreciate all the things which God has given us. I seek in the New Year to continue spreading awareness about Palestine in hopes of educating more people around the world about our cause. My wish for the New Year is for Palestine to be free.

Ahmed Abdel Moneim: Praise be to God! I wish it will be a blessed year. God willing, it will be the best year to evolve and achieve significant growth and success in my career.

Ali Edassery: I hope for the best year yet. May everyone achieve all what they want with ever-present happiness.

Alsayed Al-Ashri: I wish this year will be full of happiness, goodness, wellness and peace of mind. I hope God will protect my family and loved ones from all harm and bring peace and security to Kuwait, Egypt and all Arab and Islamic counties.

Alwathaq Bellah: I wish that the war in Palestine ceases. My children succeed in their endeavors. Allah willing.

Antonio Coelho: My New Year’s resolution for 2024 is for peace in war-torn countries. And for all communities to live together in peace and harmony and to respect all. May the world be a better place for all. God bless the new Amir!

Ashraf Baraka: My New Year resolution is to seek professional development. I strive to build a foundation that ensures success and fulfillment for both my career and the well-being of my family. I want to be able to make my children’s dreams come true.

Balaraman Elumalai: Learn at least one new thing every day.

Barrak Al-Hindi: One of my wishes for the year 2024 is that God will grant security to my country, Kuwait, and to all the free people of the world, and that God will grant victory to our brothers in Palestine against the Zionist aggressors with a near victory, God willing, and that God will grant us health, wellness and joys. I also wish for more prosperity and elevation for Kuwait Times.

Bhasker Reddy: Spend more time with loved ones.

Billal Mia: Start saving more money.

Chidi Emmanuel: Setting a New Year’s resolution is a great way to kick off the year with purpose and determination. I intend to set a goal that will align with my aspirations and areas for improvement. Here are some of my resolutions: Getting fit and healthier: I intend to go through regular exercise and eat healthy and organic food; Learn something new: Whether it is a new language, a musical instrument, a hobby, or a subject of interest, I hope to expand my knowledge and skills; Travel more: Exploring new places, experiencing new cultures and broadening my horizons through travel will be fulfilling; Career development: I am setting professional goals, such as acquiring new skills.

Dhoha Al-Essa: This year I want to read more — a goal of two books a month.

Faten Omar: Seeing my beloved ones in good health and extreme happiness. Be able to travel the world and dive into multiple cultures. Be the reason to help all humans and animals. Lastly, I wish people can be considerate and kind to each other.

Ghadeer Ghloum: As we’re about to step into a brand new year, my heart overflows with gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of Kuwait Times! I wish for this cherished newspaper to experience great success and limitless growth in all endeavors. I am looking forward to 2024 for I have a lot of love to share with my loved ones, friends and the remarkable team I work with. May 2024 bring forth joy and an unwavering spirit of unity and peace around the world.

Hamad Al-Marei: In the coming year, I wish for a ceasefire and peace. I want the Palestinian war to be a memory of how good can win over evil. I wish for success and happiness for all my loved ones. I extend these hopes to colleagues and friends, praying for abundant health, wellness and goodness in their lives. I wish as well for the safety of our beloved Kuwait.

Hassan Al-Kilani: My resolution is for peace for the world. I hope to become a director, in addition to committing to the gym, eating healthy food and reading for half an hour every day.

Hawrah Al-Yakoob: My New Year’s resolution is as follows: Create feasible goals that I can actually adhere to and follow through.

Hussain Assad: I hope Manchester United win the English Premier League.

Islam Al-Sharaa: I hope Allah grants me success in my work and that I will be healthy and well. I hope I can go for umrah with my wife. I wish from Allah that my son and daughters achieve what they aspire to and are in good health and wellness.

Ismail Al-Ruwaini: May peace prevail in the world. I wish success to my daughter who is in high school, and I wish God gives my loved ones health and wellness.

Jana Alnaqeeb: To stop checking my messages on my phone while I am driving.

Jino Arickel: I am excited about the upcoming year and my strong desire is to send my children for higher studies. My daughter is about to finish her bachelor’s degree, while my son is preparing to complete his 12th grade.

Kannapiran Ponnuswami: Make more money, try to lose weight.

Khaled Al-Abdulhadi: For a happy New Year full of excitement and prosperity. To a year of blissful motivation, and a year of diligent dedication.

Mary Shaker: Given the many pressures and burdens of life, all I hope for the New Year is that God may grant us His protection, that my family may be well and that beloved Kuwait may remain in all goodness, peace and prosperity.

Md Ali Pevumkattil: Make time for family, sleep early, be positive, exercise more.

Md Sabry: Don’t work hard, work smart.

Mohamed Hasen: I want my family and myself to be happy.

Mohan Mallela: Spend more time with my family; start a new daily routine to make myself productive, healthy and fit; keep track of my expenses; pay more attention to investments rather than just savings; engage in welfare activities which are helpful to society.

Mustansar Shabbir: Quit smoking, get fitter and healthier, spend more time with family and perform hajj with my family.

Nael Abu Ateyah: Ceasefire in Gaza and to be able to build it again. Free Palestine!

Narayan Das: I hope my family is well, my daughter succeeds in her nursing school and my son does well in his education.

Nebal Snan: In 2024, I’ll continue to stretch myself beyond my comfort zone to grow both as a journalist and a person. I hope to find innovative ways to tell stories from our diverse communities and bring forward their needs. I pray for wisdom, courage and kindness to push through the challenges before me and find balance in my personal and professional lives.

Passant Hisham: This year I only wish for a fresh start, with more inspiring stories to learn from, more places to explore and more interesting people to meet. I wish that through every experience, I will be able to unlock new gates of self-awareness and get one step closer to the person who I aspire to become.

Rachelle De Leon: My resolution for this year is to spend quality family time, take a break more often, exercise regularly and stick to a budget to save money.

Raed Mohammad: For Allah to keep the bounty of security and safety on my second country Kuwait. More development and prosperity in Kuwait. For Allah to grant security and development to Islamic countries.

Robin Jacob: I’m hoping that if everything goes well, I’ll be able to kick off a soccer turf in my hometown this coming year. Excited for a fresh start filled with peace, prosperity, and love for all my close friends, colleagues, and family.

Roshan Rodrigues: A new year is filled with possibilities, so dream big and believe in yourself this year.

Saboosh Mia: Spend more time with family.

Safa Mahmoud: Many and varied wishes in my heart for all of us to be happy, full of health and safe in the New Year.

Sahar Moussa: Hope to work on myself, learn more skills and improve professionally. Also, I hope for world peace and that Palestine would be free from the river to the sea.

Sajeev K Peter: I’m looking forward to traveling more in 2024, and hopefully, making progress on my long-pending book project!

Shakir Reshamwala: I aim to take Kuwait Times to greater heights. I pray for health, wellness and success for my family. I hope to achieve all my personal and professional goals. Also, I plan to write, travel and exercise more. May peace and security prevail in the world.

Shehzad Shabbir: Dream big, work smartly, then succeed.

Sivadas Ramachampat: New year, new me, same dreams, fresh start.

Sreenu: My New Year resolution is to improve the quality of my life by improving my lifestyle choices and be more connected with my family.

Syed Muneer: I wish that me and my family will have good health and a prosperous New Year.

Venkat Subia: I wish to reunite with my family.

Vijay Bahadur: To lead a healthy lifestyle.

Wael Mansour: I wish for a better year for the Islamic world.

Yeasin Hussain: Learn a new skill.

Zainab Dashti: Read for 30 minutes every day.

Zakir Mansoori: Hopefully, 2024 will be better than last year. The war will end in Palestine and peace will return, global warming will reduce, and no more coronavirus. And we will have a better world than before.

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