KUWAIT: The Women’s Voluntary Association for Community Development affirmed its commitment to continuing its work to promote and protect children’s rights, noting that the State of Kuwait pays great attention to its children as they are the first building block in building its renaissance.
Chairperson of the Society’s Board of Directors, Sheikha Fadia Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, said in a press statement on Wednesday, following the opening ceremony of the “First Child’s Talent” Forum, that Kuwait was keen to protect the rights of the children based on constitutional principles, so it enacted the law on the basic rights of the child and protecting him/her from all forms of violence.
Sheikha Fadia Al-Sabah pointed to Kuwait’s commitment to the international treaties, agreements and covenants to which it has acceded, the most prominent of which is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as it established the Family Court to address and settle family issues and disputes and to ensure that its members are not affected by these disputes especially children.

She added that despite this, there are still some children exposed to domestic violence, so the association is keen to hold awareness meetings and seminars in cooperation with civil society organizations to educate families and combine governmental and community efforts to prevent and address violence and promote children’s rights.
She explained that the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals touch the lives of children and constitute a comprehensive approach to meeting their needs, protecting them from harm, and securing the environment in which they live. They seek to ensure the dignity of children and their right to live without fear or violence a priority on the international development agenda as they included a clear goal, which is to end all forms of violence against children.
Secretary of the Association, Dr Mona Al-Qattan said in her speech that the forum aims to highlight children’s talents, confirm their importance in shaping their personality, encourage parents and urge them to let the children practice their hobbies and talents.
Al-Qattan said the forum also aims to empower families and workers in the field of childhood, raise community awareness to develop the child’s capabilities and to work to raise the level of care. - KUNA