RAMALLAH: Palestinian authorities have demanded the Zionist military release information about more than 100 people thought to have been detained in Gaza during its assault on the territory following Hamas attacks. The head of the Palestinian Authority’s commission for prisoners, Qaddura Fares, said on Sunday that Zionist officials had told him at one point their side had made 105 arrests. But he said the Zionist entity had not announced the number publicly and there was "no detail about what has become of these people”. "We fear they may have been killed after being detained and interrogated,” he told AFP.

The Zionist military told AFP on Monday that it could not comment on the issue at this stage. The UN humanitarian affairs office OCHA said in a report that Zionist forces had detained people walking to southern Gaza from the north on the Salah al-Din Road during the Zionist military campaign on Gaza. The Zionist entity had ordered Palestinians to evacuate the north through the road, claiming it was a safe corridor.

Red Cross medical worker Ramadan Hossu said in a video released by his organization that Zionist forces strip-searched and handcuffed him after detaining him on the road. One displaced Gaza resident, Sahar Awwad, told AFP that Zionist soldiers detained her son Mohammed as he tried to leave southern Gaza on Nov 12. "He was freed after nine days” after "undergoing torture,” Awwad said. OCHA said families had been separated by Zionist forces at a checkpoint on the Salah al-Din road. One child "had to cross through the checkpoint on his own following his father’s arrest,” it said.

Healthcare Workers Watch, an independent NGO monitoring the Zionist attacks on healthcare workers and healthcare facilities in Palestine, said 10 Gazan doctors were detained by Zionist forces after heading south through the Zionist-designated safe route.

The doctors include five who worked at the Indonesian hospital: Dr Mohammed Abu Al-Jubain, general practitioner, Dr Iyad Abed, consultant vascular surgeon, Dr Akram Abu Odeh, head of orthopedics, Dr Akram Hussein, head of surgery and Dr Ahmed Abu Aita, a general practitioner. The Indonesian hospital, one of northern Gaza’s largest healthcare facilities, was so severely damaged in Zionist attacks that it may never open again, according to Al Jazeera.

Zionist tanks and snipers had laid siege to the hospital in Beit Lahia for days, before targeting its main generator and raiding it in the early hours of Friday, shortly before a four-day truce between the Zionist entity and Hamas came into effect.

Also among the detained doctors are Momin Abu Khudair, a dentist, and four physicians with Al-Shifa hospital, including hospital director Mohammad Abu Salmiya. The World Health Organization voiced concern on Friday about the fate of Abu Salmiya, whom Zionist forces detained over the facility's alleged use by Hamas.

The WHO said in a statement that the chief of the biggest hospital in the besieged Palestinian territory had been arrested last Wednesday along with five other health workers, while they were taking part in a UN mission to evacuate patients.

Since then two of the six have reportedly been released, but "we do not have information about the well-being of the four remaining health staff, including the director of Al-Shifa hospital," the statement added. The UN agency called for "their legal and human rights to be fully observed during their detention".

A spokesperson for the Israeli army said on Saturday that hospital director Mohammad Abu Salmiya was being questioned. "We are currently moving forward with ... questioning him over the fact that he was the head of a hospital that was really sitting on top of an entire terror network," Doron Spielman said. "How could he not know what's happening? We have hostages that were on, you know, CCTV in his hospital."

The Zionist entity launched bombardments and a ground offensive in Gaza after Hamas men infiltrated the Gaza-Zionist border on Oct 7 in an attack which the Zionist entity says killed around 1,200 people. The Gaza health ministry says the Zionist offensive has killed nearly 15,000 people, mostly civilians. The bombardments have flattened homes and displaced 1.7 million of Gaza’s 2.4 million people, according to the United Nations. – Agencies