The joint ground exercises in conjunction with Gulf Arab forces organized by Kuwait’s military.
The joint ground exercises in conjunction with Gulf Arab forces organized by Kuwait’s military.

GCC joint military drill led by Kuwait Army kicks off

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s military kicked off on Sunday joint ground exercises in conjunction with Gulf Arab forces, sponsored by Acting Chief of the General Staff, Major General Engineer Dr Ghazi Al-Shammeri. In a press release, Al-Shammeri, expressed admiration for all the attendees and for hosting such drill that brings together army ground forces from all GCC countries.

Al-Shammeri said Takamul (1) reflects on the continued development of the Peninsula Shield Forces, which is one of the evidences of the success of the joint Gulf action in its military aspect, whether through its operational participation or its implementation of exercises and training at various levels with the armed forces of the GCC countries.

The exercises are set to take place in the country’s northwestern Median Al-Adera and Al-Abraq areas, added the statement, urging the public to steer clear of the designated locations on the day of the drills for their safety. – KUNA

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