Ground forces participating in the "Integration Ex I" arrive in Kuwait.
Ground forces participating in the "Integration Ex I" arrive in Kuwait.

Peninsula Shield Force to participate in joint military exercise in Kuwait

‘Integration Ex I’ to commence on Sunday, conclude on Dec 7

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced on Saturday that all ground forces participating in the “Integration Ex I” due Sunday have arrived in Kuwait. The exercise will conclude on December 7. The exercise will be hosted by the General Command of the Kuwaiti Army, represented by its ground forces, with the participation of the Peninsula Shield Force, the ministry said in a press release.

The participating units will carry out the field exercise in Al-Adra’ and Abraq areas, northwest of Kuwait, it added. The ministry underlined the great importance of this first field exercise of the Peninsula Shield Force after the establishment of the unified military command. This exercise embodies dedication and integration between the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council, it pointed out.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense announced that a force from the Commando/25 Brigade left for Pakistan on Friday to participate in the joint exercise titled “Dawn of the East” in its fifth edition, which kicks off next week and lasts for two weeks.

The ministry said in a press statement that the exercise aims to exchange experiences in search and inspection operations, combating terrorism, securing vital buildings and how to deal with explosives and carrying out medical evacuations.

“This participation comes within the framework of supporting and strengthening joint military cooperation with all brotherly and friendly countries,” the ministry added. — KUNA

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