Dogs in Nepal were decked with marigold garlands and bright vermillion paint on Sunday to celebrate a day dedicated to them as part of a Hindu festival. Kukur Tihar, the second day of the five-day Tihar festival. Businessman Sujit Dongol, who celebrated the festival at home, told AFP that his dog was part of the family.
"He is a companion to everyone and is always happy and playful like a child,” he said, holding his one-year-old American Bully in his arms. "We feel happy worshipping a dog that lives with us.” Dog lovers also offer treats and toys to their pets and street dogs during the celebration. The Armed Police Force held a special ritual to honor and worship their canine force, which is often used during natural disasters and in the detection of explosives and drugs.
"It is a special day,” said Ramesh Pokharel, chief of the Animal Health and Dog Handler section of the Armed Police Force. "Our dogs have helped us a lot, so the security personnel feel happy to celebrate this.” Inspired by Nepal’s festival, a similar annual celebration began in Mexico in 2016. But animal welfare groups say the special treatment should not be limited to a single day and inhumane treatment towards street dogs, such as poisoning them to cull the population or to prevent rabies, must be stopped. — AFP