KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah paid a visit on Monday to the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense. Accompanied by His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and Acting Prime Minister Sheikh Fahad Yusuf Saud Al-Sabah, His Highness the Amir was received by Minister of Defense and Acting Minister of Interior Sheikh Abdullah Ali Al-Sabah, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Defense Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Meshal Mubarak Al-Sabah and Deputy Chief of General Staff of Kuwait Army Air Vice Marshal Sheikh Sabah Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah visits the Ministry of Defense.

In a speech, His Highness the Amir said "It is a pleasure to us - and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Acting Prime Minister Sheikh Fahad Yusuf Al-Sabah and the companions - to meet with the Defense Ministry's personnel to congratulate you on the holy month of Ramadan". His Highness the Amir prayed to Allah to accept good deeds of all in this month, and return this occasion to the Arab and Islamic nations with goodness and blessings. His Highness the Amir expressed pride for Kuwait's Armed Forces, its command and personnel as the fortress to safeguard and protect the dear homeland's safety, security, stability and independence. "In this regard, we are keen on boosting the efficiency and potential of our armed forces and enabling them to achieve their sacred duties and missions in safeguarding the country by air, sea and land. Our support will continue to develop the homeland's capabilities and readiness with keeping pace the development of armament and preparation in line with the high-standards technological standards," His Highness the Amir noted.

His Highness the Amir expressed again condolences to the martyrs who lost their lives during a live ammunition exercise, wishing those wounded a speedy recovery. Despite that painful incident, the Ministry of Defense has a key role in preparing and rehabilitating national cadres to assume responsibilities and cement the values of loyalty, His Highness the Amir stressed. "We appreciate the Ministry's role in harnessing all potential to back and support efforts aiming to achieve balance and harmony among the State's ministries and institutions, along security and military collaboration with the Ministry of Interior, the National Guards and Kuwait Fire Force," His Highness the Amir affirmed.

In addition, His Highness the Amir referred to the Armed Forces' contributions to solidifying Kuwait's humanitarian action, through the air forces' efforts in cooperation with the State's concerned bodies, to transport relief aid to some sisterly countries facing wars of crises, highlighting the role of the Ministry's female personnel as well. His Highness the Amir highlighted the current conditions in some surrounding countries that have repercussions, stressing the need of achieving security and stability in these countries.

Expressing confidence in Kuwait's robust army's capabilities and the management of defense minister, His Highness the Amir directed completing the development and reform path, accountability, enhancing transparency, and achieving justice and neutrality.His Highness the Amir also instructed achieving the utmost vigilance and preparation of the armed forces, and boosting its combat potential, and joint military collaboration. In this regard, His Highness the Amir further asked for paying attention to military education, rehabilitating more cadres and upgrading the academic side in a manner that ensures the armed institutions' readiness for face future challenges.His Highness the Amir called for protecting military cyberspace, digital systems safety, and sharing expertise toward the latest innovations in the cybersecurity field.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff congratulated, on behalf of Defense Minister and all members of the Ministry, His Highness the Amir on Ramadan, wishing His Highness the Amir good health and Kuwait further progress and prosperity.He voiced their honor to receive Highness the Amir, His Highness the Crown Prince and Acting Prime Minister during this month.He referred to the key role of the Defense Ministry in supporting Kuwait's humanitarian and relief efforts for brothers and the needy.

Kuwait's relief air bridge continued to help Syrian, Lebanese and Yemeni peoples, in a close cooperation between Kuwait's Air Force, the Kuwait Red Crescent Society and Zakat House, Deputy Chief of General Staff said. He also pointed to the Ministry's steps made in developing military infrastructure and boosting logistic support system to ensure an integrated action environment to achieve the strategic goals to strengthen the country's stability and security.Finally, Major Dhari Meshal Al-Bogan delivered a poem, which was highly pleased and appreciated by the attendees. - KUNA