Gulf promotes cancer awareness campaign
Dr Khaled Al-Saleh

There is no doubt that Gulf leaders are striving hard to unite the region. This great effort is due to the belief in the unity of Gulf nations and also to create a model for others. All Gulf institutions need to seek ways to remove any obstacle to Gulf cooperation, whether at the governmental or civil level.

On November 15, 2000 (24 years ago), in Kuwait, during a large conference of the Kuwait Society for Preventing Smoking and Cancer, the Gulf delegations discussed the importance of cooperation in creating awareness of cancer diseases and after taking necessary procedures and discussing with official associations in the Gulf, the establishment of the Gulf Union for Cancer Control was announced on March 19, 2002. This includes about twenty associations in all GCC countries.

Since then, Gulf awareness has become a positive image in all Gulf societies and there is a unified Gulf cancer conference held every year. This has helped in creating awareness and the member states have benefited from each other’s experiences. Also, it laid the first building blocks for the establishment of support groups for cancer patients. There have been joint publications, including social media messages, to increase the awareness among the people in the Gulf region on the risk factors of cancer diseases and for early detection. Officials have also established a peer-reviewed scientific journal for cancer research.

This magazine gave doctors the opportunity to publish their scientific research fairly and professionally. The federation also established an awareness group to help the countries in need and experts have visited many countries—raising awareness and providing medical aid, training and treatment. A special website has been dedicated to health-related news and to create awareness for Gulf Awareness Week, which extends to the first week of February every year. The Minister of Health, Dr Ahmad Al-Awadi, will inaugurate the event on the second Sunday of February.

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