
IWG Vist Kuwait Times

Kuwait Times and Kuwait News welcomed a delegation from the International Women’s Group (IWG), including Baigalmaa Bayantsagaan, Vice President and wife of the Ambassador of the Republic of Mongolia, Polina Dlamini, President and wife of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Eswatini and Laura Duclaud, Vice President and wife of the Ambassador of Mexico.The delegation visited to gain insight into the newspaper’s various departments and editorial processes.

After the end of the brutal Iraqi invasion, a few Kuwaiti property owners sold their properties in Kuwait and traveled abroad. These individuals believed that Kuwait would not withstand the shock of the post-invasion and occupation. They sold their ...
By Nermin Al-Houti The Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) is a research institution dedicated to conducting scientific studies related to industry in Kuwait, natural resource wealth, water and energy sources, improving agricultural met...