Love and peace
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By Dr Nermin Al-Houti

[email protected]

This is Egypt—the land of love and peace. Last week, during my visit to the land of Kenanah, I received a gracious invitation from Pope Tawadros II, the 118th Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of the See of St Mark, to join our Coptic brothers in celebrating their glorious holidays, which took place on Jan 6. As always, I was eager to participate in this joyful occasion, a custom I hold dear, one that I strive to maintain with our Egyptian Coptic community in Kuwait. However, this year, the experience of celebrating in Egypt—the land of love and peace—felt different.

Our journey began with a visit to the cathedral in the New Administrative Capital. The road leading to it is worthy of an article in itself, filled with countless examples of development: new projects, roads, bridges, Olympic clubs, and more. The scene painted a vibrant picture of the prosperous future of the land of the Mahrousa (Egypt). Upon arriving at the cathedral, I was struck by the building’s harmonious blend of historical significance and modern vitality. The reception was impeccable, both in terms of security and the warmth of the social atmosphere. From the moment we arrived, it was clear that we were standing on soil enriched by the legacies of many great civilizations—a fertile land that has long served as “the cradle of religions.” The land of Kenanah, the cradle of prophets and their families, continues to embrace them with love and peace.

The celebrations themselves were a testament to unity and togetherness, beautifully portrayed through an artistic display that brought together people from all religions, countries, and backgrounds to share in the holiday joy with our Coptic brothers. The atmosphere was made even more special by the presence of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, who, to our surprise, entered the cathedral accompanied by Pope Tawadros.

No matter how many lines I write, words can hardly capture the sincerity and warmth I experienced in those moments—the heartfelt love and joy from the Egyptian people, as well as President Sisi’s deep commitment to sharing in their celebration. As the president stated in his speech, “I love you, and I am keen to be with you.”

In conclusion, this is Egypt—the land of love and peace. My heartfelt wishes go out to our Christian brothers and sisters.