The Tamil Nadu Engineers Forum (TEF) welcomed the year 2025 with a highly successful inaugural and technical symposium on January 8, 2025 at the Al-Hashemi Grand Ballroom, Radisson Blu, Salmiya. The event gathered leading industry professionals, renowned speakers, and engineers to engage in discussions that centered around innovation and entrepreneurship. The evening commenced with the registration session followed by a formal welcome address from event anchors Eng Gem Prasanna and Eng Middleton. The event began with a rendition of "Tamilthaai Vaazhthu,” fostering a sense of unity and cultural pride among attendees.

This was followed by a safety moment and Thirukkural shared by Eng Kalai Arasan and Eng Maniyarasu, emphasizing the importance of safety in the workplace. Eng Arun Golden, the Treasurer of TEF-2025, extended a warm welcome to sponsors, guests, and members, setting the tone for a successful evening.

The presidential address was delivered by Raja, TEF-2025 president, who emphasized the importance of continuous professional development and reaffirmed the organization’s commitment to fostering engineering excellence. Raja also outlined upcoming initiatives, including special events to commemorate TEF’s 26th anniversary.

In line with its commitment to excellence, TEF also announced upcoming events: the 9th Engineering Excellence Awards and the 16th Technological Innovations Conference & Exposition, both scheduled for October 9, 2025. TEF celebrated its distinction as the only ISO-certified non-profit engineering organization in the region, reinforcing its commitment to quality, safety, and professionalism.

A significant highlight of the evening was the launch of the TEF Kuwait Mobile App, which is designed to enhance communication and collaboration within the engineering community. Attendees were encouraged to explore the app’s features, which will promote networking and active engagement among members. A special felicitation ceremony honored the esteemed guests of honor: Mohammed Sulman Al-Refai, Jasem Al-Nori, Sabah Al-Shammary, Rabih Abdul Qader, and Manas Raj Patel, IFS, First Secretary of the Indian Embassy in Kuwait. Chief Guest Kalpana Arvind along with guest speaker Mohan of IPPO Pay and speaker Farah Elderbi were also felicitated for their contributions. The evening concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Eng Kapil.