KUWAIT: People who had their Kuwaiti citizenship revoked because of obtaining it through fraud and false statements and documents are required to repay all benefits they had enjoyed while holding the citizenship, according to new amendments to the 1959 nationality law. The amendments were published in the official gazette on Tuesday, which means they have become effective.
During the past seven months, authorities have revoked the citizenship of some 18,000 Kuwaitis, the majority of whom are foreign women married to Kuwaitis who were granted citizenship through wrong procedures. Other amendments said those who lost their citizenship for acquiring the citizenship of a third country, prohibited under Kuwaiti law, will cease to enjoy benefits associated with Kuwaiti citizenship but are not required to repay any benefits they enjoyed as Kuwaitis.
The amendments also state that Kuwaitis whose citizenships were revoked for other reasons can continue to enjoy the benefits based on a decision by the Cabinet. The last part applies mainly to foreign women married to Kuwaitis who lost their nationalities after decades of being citizens of Kuwait. Authorities have said these women will continue to enjoy all benefits including jobs, salaries and pensions as long as they continue to live in the country.