TED X stage
TED X stage

Voices of Change: Invaluable insights designed to inspire positive change

TEDx ‘Mindset: Shaping Tomorrow’

KUWAIT: In continuation of the speeches sparked by the TEDx event titled “Mindset: Shaping Tomorrow,” held at the Australian University on Saturday, Kuwait Times engaged with the second part of the speakers, who shared invaluable insights designed to inspire positive change and foster resilience in the face of challenges.

Sayer Al-Otaibi

Sayer Al-Otaibi’s journey shared his transformative experience that evolved from passive observation to a meaningful engagement with the world around him. His exploration began with the purchase of a camera, made possible through a grant from HH the Amir. He highlighted that this initial step marked the start of his pursuit of deeper significance in his life. Al-Otaibi shared one of the most remarkable experiences he ever made - describing how his passion for photography motivated him to engage with sanitation workers by taking them to a studio and take their portraits wearing elegant clothes he provided.

This unique approach gave back very positive reactions from the worker that elevated his own sense of fulfillment. This connection and joy with the workers fueled his project with purpose. During his talk, Al-Otaibi also addressed the concept of emptiness, identifying it as a fundamental source of negative emotions and psychological distress. He urged his audience to seek out meaningful experiences that provide joy and inspiration, emphasizing the importance of introspection regarding the motivations behind their actions.

He explained that at the beginning, his work was driven by the pursuit of dopamine, the pleasure derived from external validation. However, he eventually realized that the essence of his work transcended mere reactions from others, and that dopamine should be regarded as a secondary element, one that enhances rather than defines the core purpose of one’s endeavors, while the prior motivator must be the meaning behind each endeavor.

Nicholas Chahoub

On his part, Nicholas Chahoub, a Civil and Environmental Engineer, delivered a compelling message that centered around the theme, “The enemy of success is mediocrity and settling for less.” He underscored the detrimental effects of mediocrity on societal brilliance and encouraged for a proactive approach to overcoming it. He emphasizes that each individual possesses a unique capacity for brilliance and confidence, unhindered by the fear of failure.

However, the education system often stifles creativity, leading individuals to become disconnected from their true self and capabilities. Chahoub explained that this disconnection frequently becomes apparent upon entering the workforce, where there is a disparity between institutional expectations and personal aspirations. Hence, he argued that without the tools to confront real-life challenges, individuals may find themselves trapped by a limiting mentality perpetuated by the system.

He urged the audience to break free from this mediocrity. “One does not need to be an expert to escape this cycle; rather, cultivating simple - yet effective habits can pave the way. Ask yourself, “What are we afraid of? Every aspect of life carries inherent risks - be marriage, remaining single, having children, or adopting pets. Success hinges on effective risk management, which involves understanding one’s values and identifying sources of happiness,” he explained.

This understanding leads to what Chahoub describes as the “zone of genius.” He highlighted the importance of transforming challenges into resources and obstacles into assets. “When setting goals, it is crucial to comprehend the underlying motivations,” he emphasized. He concluded by saying that the meaning of life lies in discovering and sharing one’s zone of genius with the society, all while embracing the idea of “failing forward.”

Ali Nasser

Moreover, Ali Nasser shared his journey of breaking the pattern, which sparked when he traveled to the United States at the age of 16. He expressed his journey of self-discovery, emphasizing the need to find what resonates with him and the person he aspires to become. Through his speech, Nasser praised the younger generation, countering stereotypes that paint them in a negative light. He asserted that young people are capable of remarkable achievements but often require belief, motivation and opportunities from others to reach their potential.

“Individuals should not fear relocation or change if they feel unfulfilled in their current circumstances. Embracing new environments can be a powerful way to break free from the constraints of societal expectations,” Nasser explained. He encouraged listeners to challenge the status quo and actively seek their own paths, reinforcing the value of community and support in the journey of self-discovery.

Sharifa Baqer

Another powerful and heartfelt journey of triumph was shared by Sharifa Baqer, who spoke about her struggle with vitiligo, a skin condition that affected her face. She described the various treatments she underwent, many of which were ineffective, and recounted painful experiences of bullying that deeply impacted her self-esteem. Baqer spoke about the significant energy, time, and effort required for her to reach a place of acceptance, moving away from hiding her condition with makeup.

At the end of her speech, Sharifa displayed a powerful photo of her face in its true form, radiating the beauty and confidence she has finally embraced after a long journey marked by denial and concealment. This moment symbolized her triumph over the challenges that had troubled her, illustrating her commitment to self-acceptance and resilience. Sharifa’s bravery was a testament to the transformative power of embracing one’s true self.

Hussain Al-Moussawi

Last but not least was Hussain Al-Moussawi’s story of struggle with diabetes that became not a source of suffering, but rather a catalyst for creativity and resilience that propelled him forward. During his speech Al-Moussawi described the challenges he faced during his youth due to the disease and the side effects he endured from insulin treatment.

However, his suffering pushed him to actively seek alternatives to insulin, until he discovered an effective herbal treatment. This breakthrough gradually allowed him to reduce his reliance on insulin, marking a significant turning point in his life. He described this experience as the beginning of his journey characterized by persistence and determination. “I now see my struggle with diabetes as a blessing from God. It shaped me into the person I am today, a person of resolve and fortitude. Without this challenge, I would not have developed the strength and determination that define me today,” he expressed.

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