GENEVA: The Permanent Representative of Kuwait to the United Nations and International Organization in Geneva Ambassador Nasser Al-Hain condemned Wednesday the international silence on the crimes committed by a "rogue state in defiance of international law” against the Palestinian people, warning that this silence amounts to "complicity” if immediate and effective steps are not taken to stop these violations.

This came in a speech delivered by Hain at the 57th Human Rights Council under Item 7 of the agenda dedicated to discussing the human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories. He warned that the continued impunity and disregard for these violations undermine respect for international law and weaken the credibility of international institutions.

Hain expressed his regrets over attempts to change the true narrative and exonerate the perpetrators and encourage them to ignore all international condemnations and Security Council resolutions, noting that the occupying power in Palestine continues its blatant aggression on Lebanon as well.

"What human rights are we discussing today, as we witness a series of violations amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the torture of prisoners, silencing of peaceful supporters and intimidation of supportive voices accusing them of anti-Semitism? These systematic violations, such as the destruction of reconstruction efforts, civil infrastructure, places of worship, demolition of homes and terrorizing of peaceful residents, are aimed at imposing a new reality that violates all international laws and standards,” Hain said. Hain also commended the glimmer of hope seen in the actions of some countries and companies that have withdrawn their investments, stating that "such courageous steps reflect a genuine commitment to human rights and send a strong message that the international community will not tolerate these violations”.

The ambassador reiterated Kuwait’s full support for Saudi Arabia’s initiative to launch a new international coalition to promote a two-state solution as a step towards achieving lasting peace. He also praised the General Assembly’s decision supporting Palestine’s application for membership in the United Nations, passed on May 10 this year. — KUNA