His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah presides over a Cabinet meeting. – KUNA photos
His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah presides over a Cabinet meeting. – KUNA photos

Cabinet condemns Zionist attacks

Ministers extol Crown Prince’s speech at UN summit

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s Cabinet denounced strongly the Zionist occupation airstrikes launched on Lebanon that killed and wounded hundreds of people. During its meeting held on Tuesday at Bayan Palace under the chairmanship of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, the Cabinet said that these attacks are a blatant violation of all international norms and law, including international humanitarian law, and pose grave threats to the region’s stability and security.

Kuwait expressed its solidarity with and support for Lebanon, rejecting all measures that undermine Lebanon’s sovereignty and stability, Shareeda Al-Maousherji, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, said in a statement after the meeting. The Cabinet warned once more against the repercussions of increased escalation and danger in the region due to Zionists’ continued aggression on the brotherly Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip.

It also cautioned against Zionist occupation ignorance of international calls and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, calling for taking a decisive step towards crimes committed against innocents, Al-Maousherji said. In addition, the Cabinet extolled Kuwait’s speech delivered by the Representative of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, during the future summit at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York.

During the speech, His Highness the Crown Prince reiterated the necessity for all to comply with all international treaties, charters, and laws and avoid double standards. His Highness the Crown Prince also condemned the genocide in Palestine that claimed more than 41,000 Palestinians, most of whom are women and children. After its establishment in 1961, Kuwait was keen on establishing the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development to enhance the development bases of developing countries, His Highness the Crown Prince told the summit.

Kuwait, since its independence in 1961, has provided 1,073 soft funding cases for varied development projects carried out in 105 countries, His Highness the Crown Prince noted. On the 94th anniversary of Saudi Arabia National Day falling on September 23, the Cabinet extended its congratulations to Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud and the Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud on this occasion.

The Cabinet wished everlasting security and stability, as well as further progress and prosperity, to the Kingdom under the wise leadership, lauding its great role in serving Islam and Muslims, and renaissance. Being keen on maintaining the national identity, the Cabinet approved the draft decree amending the Amiri Decree No. 15 of 1959 regarding Kuwait’s citizenship. Under the draft, a foreigner who gets Kuwaiti nationality does not mean that his wife becomes a Kuwaiti, and a foreign woman who gets married to a Kuwaiti man is not allowed to get Kuwaiti citizenship.

In addition, the aforementioned draft decree law allows withdrawing Kuwaiti nationality from a Kuwaiti who acquires it in some specific cases, like fraud or forgery, and also if convicted by a final ruling in crimes of honor or trust, or crimes related to Allah, prophets, or the Amir personality. The Cabinet also endorsed the minutes of the meeting of the Supreme Committee to Investigate the Kuwaiti Citizenship, which include some cases of the withdrawal and loss of Kuwaiti citizenship by fraud or forgery, in line with Law No. 15 of 1959.

Moreover, the Cabinet was briefed on a visual presentation by Minister of Finance, Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Investment, and Acting Oil Minister Noura Al-Fassam on Kuwait’s financial status on 31-3-2024. The ministers also saw another presentation by Minister of Minister of Social Affairs, Family, and Childhood Affairs Amthal Al-Huwailah and Minister of State for Housing Affairs Abdullatif Al-Meshari on the issuance of the decree No. 696 of 2024 regarding amending the decree No. 206 of 2009.

Being keen on control, Al-Huwailah told the Cabinet about a study prepared on some public benefit associations that are inactive and violate the law No 24 of 1962 to issue a decree to dissolve them. Additionally, the Cabinet was presented with a visual presentation by Head of the Government Performance Follow-Up Agency Sheikh Ahmad Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on a report of building a government performance system to curb observations mentioned in the government regulatory agencies’ reports and achieve the state’s financial sustainability through adopting a financial policy and developing mechanisms of bonuses and assessment of all workers. — KUNA

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