Kuwait Times -- standing tall since 1961. - Photo by Jana Alnaqeeb
Kuwait Times -- standing tall since 1961. - Photo by Jana Alnaqeeb

Today in Kuwait’s history

KUWAIT, Sept 24 (KUNA): 1961 -- The English-language news daily “Kuwait Times” published its inaugural edition, becoming the first newspaper of its kind in the Gulf region.

1990 -- The United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 669 for aiding nations suffering from economic hardships due to enforcing the embargo in Iraq for its aggression on Kuwait.

1992 -- Kuwait exported the first shipment of oil extracted from the crude puddles, formed when the Iraqi occupation forces torched oil fields.

1996 -- First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah signed the international treaty for prohibiting nuclear tests.

2010 -- Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development gave Rwanda a loan worth USD 12.3 million for renovating the integrated regional technical institute that advocates boosting development in the country.

2010 -- Kuwait declared hiking its annual contributions, five times, to a number of UN funds and agencies.2014 -- Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) dispatched 33 truckloads of aid to Gaza.


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