Sixty-three years ago yesterday, no English-speaking resident of Kuwait had easy, consistent access to local and global news. Sixty-three  years ago today, they did. 

That simple fact meant more than just providing thousands and eventually millions with up-to-date journalism. It meant that for the first time in the Gulf, society was exposed to outside cultures on a daily basis. This significance was even acknowledged by HH Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, who wrote in our first-ever printed edition:

"On the occasion of publishing the first edition of ‘Kuwait Times’, I am pleased to congratulate the proprietor on this successful step and wish him continued success. Undoubtedly, publishing a newspaper in the English language in Kuwait is a happy incident, as it makes it possible for non-Arabs to know the truth about the thorough development, which is now at its climax in Kuwait and to understand our just cause as well as the problems of the Arabs in general.”

We did bear witness to much development both within Kuwait as well as in the world around us. For every major event, Kuwait Times was there.

That is to say, Kuwait Times is literally part of the fabric of modern Kuwaiti history. For 63 years we have grown alongside Kuwait. We have shared its joys and sorrows. Have looked across the globe to continue the age-old traditions of storytelling, and have thus been thrust into the hearts of those fortunate enough to call Kuwait home. 

Kuwait Times was there when Kuwait was vetoed UN admission in 1961, when it finally achieved it in 1963. It was there when the world watched men walk on the Moon, when Kuwaitis spotted UFOs in the skies, when Palestinians declared independence, when our lands were liberated; and it remains while Kuwait pushes ahead to a brighter future.

Today, Kuwait Times celebrates its 63rd year. It comes at a time where Kuwait finds itself pushing forward on all fronts, while existing in a world of turbulence and instability. Like throughout history, we choose to do our journalistic duty. Just as it was important in 1961, we highlight the struggle of our Palestinian, Lebanese, Sudanese and other Arab brethren.

We also continue to bring attention to Kuwaitis, new to the scene or affecting change for years, who are helping to continue earning Kuwait the title ‘Pearl of the Arabian Gulf’. 

Tomorrow, we pledge to do the same. As we have done for 63 years, we will continue to do our duty and shine a light on the problems and hopes from Kuwait and around the world. In the years to come, Kuwait Times will continue to exercise our blessed right of free speech and provide Kuwait with objective, up-to-date reporting.

From our archives to our studio, we will strive for even higher levels of quality in every sense of the word. For that was the founding principle of the Kuwait Times 63 years ago, and it remains our central principle to this day and beyond.