Director General of Kuwait News Agency Dr Fatima Al-Salem
Director General of Kuwait News Agency Dr Fatima Al-Salem

KUNA launches Observatory to tackle rumors

KUWAIT: Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) on Sunday launched KUNA’s ‘Observatory’ for Verifying News and Responding to Rumors, in an initial and preliminary step for its official launch on October 6. In a press release, KUNA’s Director-General, Dr Fatima Al-Salem, said that this step comes as a continuation of the steps taken by KUNA towards enhancing transparency, credibility, and media responsibility. The importance of the Observatory is to tackle rumors and misleading news as well as confronting misinformation campaigns that affect the reputation of government work, achievements, and contributions, she added. Dr Al-Salem stressed that the idea of launching the observatory comes in light of the importance of the digital economy, receiving information from its official sources, limiting the spread of misleading information, and combating rumors that could negatively affect public opinion. — KUNA

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