Al-Assima Governorate organizes a cleaning campaign to mark the National and World Cleanup Day.- KUNA photos
Al-Assima Governorate organizes a cleaning campaign to mark the National and World Cleanup Day.- KUNA photos

Al-Assima launches clean-up campaign

KUWAIT: Al-Assima Governorate organized on Saturday a cleaning campaign for Kuwait Towers beach - marking the National and World Cleanup Day.

The Assima Governor Sheikh Abdullah Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah, who sponsored and participated in the activity, said in a press statement that he encourages all such voluntary initiatives and promotion of public environmental awareness. Personnel from several public departments, a number of volunteers, citizens and expatriates participated in the cleaning campaign. “We were keen on coinciding the cleaning campaign with the National and World Cleanup Day which is one of the international days celebrated annually by civil communities,” Sheikh Abdullah said.

The governorate will launch campaigns intended to inspire the citizens and residents of the country to preserve the land and marine environments. — KUNA

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